Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 29/365 - Memory Lane

Date: 1/30/11
Time: 10:00pm
Place: Shelf in my bedroom
It was a pretty good weekend this weekend. Abby pulled out the old videos and we watched them off and on all weekend. Most of the videos were from when I stayed home full time with the kids. I had time to think of stuff like that. In fact, I would almost say I had nothing but time. I was always grabbing the video camera, capturing the moment. I'm so glad I did. The kids loved watching them. Ben and Mary were able to laugh at their crying fits caught on video. We went back to our last night in the old house (7 years ago), to the new house, to Ben and Mary as toddlers. I recorded a lot! But it also made me realize that I haven't used it much lately. Only for the major holidays...and those videos get old after a while. I like the every day kind...when you're just hanging out and capturing what you do in a regular day. We've had the camera pictured above for one year. Looks pretty new, doesn't it? I think it's underutilized. I'm working now and time seems to be flying by at a much quicker pace. But I think that's EXACTLY why I need to get this camera out more. My kids are growing up so fast and I'm going to forget all of this. It'll be over in a flash. I'm pretty good at taking pictures, now I want to step up my video taking.
Lord, thank you for a great weekend. Help me to treasure my time with my kids.

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