Sunday, January 09, 2011

Day 8/365 - Joyful Noise

Date: 1/9/11
Time: 5:50 pm
Place: Living Room
Abby and Sam practice on their instruments. Abby plays the clarinet and Sam plays the trombone. I can hear this now as I type. I love the sound of music in my house....even if it's not exactly music, but a mish-mash of notes blended together. I'd rather have this, than fighting. I'd rather have this, than the TV blaring. I'd rather have this, than kids jumping on the furniture. So yah...this is good. It was either this picture, or one of Ben and Mary skating on the hardwood floors in roller skates. I chose this one.
God, thank you for this "joyful noise" that permeates my house!

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