Friday, January 07, 2011

Day 6/365 - My Moment of Peace

Date: 1/7/11
Time: 7:39 am
Place: Sts. Joachim and Ann Church

This is one of my favorite times of the day. After dropping off the kids at school, I park the car and walk into church. I'm there pretty early for the 8:00am mass, but that's the best part. I get to sit in silence, read the readings and just rest in God's presence before mass and the whirling buzz of the rest of my day begins. Actually, the whirling buzz precedes this moment when we wake the kids up, feed them breakfast, pack lunches, get them dressed and load them in the car for the drive to school. But after that buzz is this quite lull in church. I can collect my thoughts and offer up my concerns for the day. When my youngest started full time school, I was suddenly free with no children at home. I do work part time, but my job is right across the street from our church and school. My world revolves around this triad of buildings. It only made sense to add mass into my daily routine. I try to fit daily mass in three times a week. This commitment has changed my life. I feel a peace and order. Despite the chaos around me, inside I'm at peace.
Thank you, God, for the way you make mass convenient for me, right now in my life. I know it may not always be this easy, so I'm grateful for what you're giving me...right now.

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