Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 16/365 - Hangin With the Masek's

Date: 1/17/11
Time: 1:40 pm
Place: My Sister's Front Room

Today was a great day to hang out at my sister's house. Our husbands were both working, we were both off work, and our kids were off school. It's rare that we have days like this because she works full time and our weekends are packed. My other sister, Becky, came over, too. We sat in the adjoining room talking, while the kids all played together. The picture above is of Sam (back to the camera) playing video games with Dominic (yellow sweatshirt) and Kyle, while Leah looks on. We talked about how fast our kids are growing up, how her twins will be off to college before we know it. She thinks she'll not know what to do with herself when she just has her younger two at home (the least demanding two). She talked about the unfinished projects around her house and how she really wants to redo her pink bathroom (the tub, toilet and sink are pink). We talked about Spring Break (they're going to visit my brother in New Orleans and we're going to Orlando), summer vacations (she wants to take her family to Colorado) and about my crop weekend. It was just nice to hang out with her and chat.

Lord, thank you for my sisters. It's one of the ways you show me how much you love me.

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