Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 26/365 - Cold, Hard, Icy and Grey

Date: 1/27/11
Time: 7:30 am
Place: Outside my office
That icycle is still hanging on. I'm really done with the snow now. I'm ready for it to melt. It's not pretty and fluffy and white anymore. It's dingy and icy. I'm ready to see green again. I want leaves, greenery, flowers and sunshine! Everything about winter is cold, hard, icy and grey. But each season makes you yearn for the relief of the next. Sometimes the unwelcoming "outside" makes me want to go "inside"....which is good because then I spend more time with my family, or more time journaling and reading. I guess there is good in each season...until you get to the end of it and you are ready for the next one!
God, I appreciate whatever season you have me in. But could you just bring back the sun?

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