Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 12/365 - Oh Innocence

Date: 1/13/11
Time: 7:30 pm
Place: Sts. Joachim and Ann Church pew
Tonight was Ben's First Reconciliation. He knew which priest all the kids were going to, so he was going to go to one of the visiting priests because he knew it would be the shortest line. He was third in line, and went face to face. When he came back he said, "That was easier than I thought it would be!" He was so cute. I'm sure he reported sins like...I was mean to my sister...or...I didn't get off the computer when I was supposed to...or... I sometimes don't wear a coat when my mom tells me to. Oh innocence. Life will get more complicated no doubt. If I could just hold him here in this moment. But I've seen this play out before. Next thing I know, he'll be running off to his high school interview. Sigh. God bless him and protect him.

After the confession he was told to write thank you letter to Jesus. He had to turn it into this mailbox in the isle, but I made sure to write down his sweet words.

"Thank you for forgiving me. I feel a lot better now. My first confetion was very easy. From Ben Naumann"

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