Sunday, January 02, 2011

Project 365 - A New Project for the New Year!

A friend of mine started this "Project 365" over a year and a half ago and then started it up again in the New Year and has inspired me to start one myself. What is it you say? Well, it is pretty simple, take a picture everyday, something ordinary or extraordinary and journal a bit about it. It is said to provide you a good perspective on your life and make you look at things a bit differently. My goal is to not take the "typical" picture, but to show a different perspective on each day. The simple things. The things we easily overlook when we are rushed. I'm hoping this helps me to sllloowww down and enjoy the simple pleasures of this life that is racing around me.

I'm not going to look on this as setting up myself for a HUGE failure. I mean REALLY. Do I REALLY think I can take a picture a day and journal on it?? Well, I'm willing to try. And forgive myself if I'm not perfect. It would have nice to start yesterday, at the beginning of the year, but I was sick in bed...and I still am sick in bed. Blah. My next post will be my first one.

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