Friday, August 05, 2005

No Lunch Partner

First, I want to say that I am extremely grateful to be home with my children. I consider it a priviledge and a blessing. Often that goes without saying, but I want to make sure it's the understood prelude to any complaint/frustration I have. I'll get on with my woes.

I'm starving for lunch around 10:30 am or 11:00 am, especially when I get up at 6am like I did this morning with the little Moo Moo (Mary). It's a little early to eat for most people, but I like eating at that time because I'm not competing with the kids hunger and needs during lunch time. I really enjoy my mealtime. It's probably my favorite time of day because the kids are usually past most of their neediness and off playing while I eat in moderate peace (it's never totally peaceful for obvious reasons).

But anyway, today I was waiting for my sister to call. She works at a daycare about 10 minutes from me and comes over for lunch almost everday. I like having her over even if it's only for 30 minutes until she's rushing back to work. She loves seeing the kids and especially Mary because she's the Godmother. 12:00- no phone call. 12:05-Well, maybe she just assumed I would be here and she's on her way. 12:10-Usually she's walking through the door right now. If not no biggy...I DO have a life...It's NOT the only highlight of my day! 12:15- Hmmmm. I wonder if she's running errands today? Or going out to lunch with a friend? 12:20-A phone call! It's my other sister. She's at my parents, asking if I have their shop vac. No I don't. Ok, bye. Usually I get a long phone call with her, but this morning she's busy (Her kids are now old enough to leave for a couple hours alone) I bet she and mom will have a nice lunch together *sigh*. 12:25-Another phone call! It's Ted! He's called to see how I'm doing? No...He wants to know if the last weekend in October is free so he can plan an annual golf weekend with his college friends. Gotta go (I hear all the guys chatting in the background) He must be eating out, after all, who doesn't on a Friday!

Sometimes I'm jealous of them. My parents- because they are retired and their time is totally free to do with as they please. My sister, Lisa-because her youngest is turning 7 this month and her oldest two are old enough to watch the others. Also, during the school year she has two, whole, free days a week with nobody at home but her *gasp*. Can you IMAGINE? My younger sister, Becky-She has no kids yet so evenings and weekends are totally hers, and Ted-because he can go out to lunch and sometimes grab golf during his work week (often business, of course).

Now, that's what I think when I'm feeling drippy, sappy woe. The truth is, there is another side to the picture.

My parents--Raised six kids on one, blue collar income. All my growing up, my mom was sick with a benign brain tumor. She had seizures that were controlled by medicine until they figured out a small tumor was causing it and surgically removed it. My brothers spent a lot of time getting into trouble, doing drugs, setting fires, etc. They deserve every relaxing moment they can get right now.

Lisa-She had 4 kids in 4 1/2 years. Her husband works in Youth Ministry and his hours are all over the place. When her kids were young, she was totally strapped to the house. Now that the kids are older, she's running all over the place with their many activities. Any free moment she gets is well earned.

Becky- She just finished college and got her first full time job that she will start in a week. She really wants kids but needs an income right now. They will wait until they can afford for her to stay at home with them. She dotes on Mary to fill that void until then.

Ted-He's totally stressed at work. He has to deal with all the political stuff, being pulled in more directions than he can physically go in, working with bosses who have time to waste while he's counting every precious minute he can squeeze in away from all the meetings. Then he comes home to a wife who is anxious to be relieved, helps with the kids until they are all in bed, and tries to relax for one hour before he needs to go to bed and start the routine all over again. He has to do this for about 28 more years.

And as for me, I am fortunate enough to have the 4 kids I have always wanted. We are financially comfortable for now (I never take that for granted) which allows me to be home full-time. I can squeeze in my own indulgences (like this long blog) when time allows. I have a wonderful husband who is extremely supportive and believes in "rescuing the princess" because he has read "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge. I get to be enlightened by children who help me to grow and I'm learning to love in ways and depths that I didn't know were possible. When I look at the big picture, I know I am blessed. But it's still nice to occasionally vent to a friend who's been there.

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