Monday, August 08, 2005

Everyone Look Here!

The bigger your family gets, the harder it is to get a good picture of all of them. I think I have lowered my standards a bit to finally accept pictures that are imperfect. In fact, the ones that make me smile the most are probably the imperfect ones.

What's wrong with this picture?
1) Sam is doing a movie star wave and he is not a movie star.
2) Ted and Ben are NOT looking at the camera and you can't even see their faces.
3) Mary's hand is covering her face
4) Where is Abby looking??


Lisa Carroll said...

LOL I have completely given up on getting any decent group shots anymore. :P

PS Forgot to say that I am a scrapbooker, too! :)

Missy said...

Great to hear from you, Lisa! It's nice to know there is someone else out there. I actually had 3 other "blooper" pictures of the same shot I was trying to get. None of them turned out. I wanted to post 3 but the website wouldn't let me. I think I'll put 3 of the 4 in my scrapbook. It does capture who we are. Not perfect! :-)