Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 48/365 - Lunch With Mary

Date: 2/18/11
Time: 11:25
Place: Sts. Joachim and Ann School parking lot
Mary has been asking all week if I would come meet her for lunch. So I met her for lunch and played with her on the playground. We played catch with a playground ball. It was exhilarating to be outside in the sunshine with a little brisk breeze. It's not like I play catch with her at home, because when I am home, I'm busy with the household chores. So it felt good to participate in such a simple activity with her. Can you see the joy on her face? She was beaming the whole time! I feel bad that I don't do it more often because I work right next door to her school. I kinda of get "caught up" at work and I can't seem to focus on anything else. So, I just need to plan it. Ben wants to be next. I don't think Abby or Sam would care for me to come meet them for lunch anymore. It's just a reminder that this time is all too short and I need to live it up while I can. Ben, you are next!
God, help me to set aside more time for lunch dates with my kids.

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