Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hodge Podge

I haven't been the best blogger lately. It's been a week since my last post...I think. I've been consumed with a finish my witness. This is for the CRHP retreat in October at my parish. I need to give it to my team in July and I hate having it loom over my head. I wanted to get it on paper as soon as possible. It's 8 pages long. And I'm not talking double spaced paragraphs with huge margins. Its your regular font size with regular margins and spacing. A big project. I don't like procrastinating. That stresses me. It's really important to me to do this right. I'm sure many changes could be made to it between now and then. But the basic meat is there. It feels good. that's my latest obsession.

The kids are on their last full day of school today. Tomorrow is a half day. I'm really looking forward to having them home with me. I'm not sure how this summer will go. How will Ben and Mary be? Ben is phasing out naps. He just had his last day at the Monkey room yesterday. *sniff*. I'm really going to miss the Monkey room. I'm on the waiting list for the summer session which starts in July. We'll see if I get in.

Our trip to Gulf Shores is in 9 days. I did a big grocery shopping trip for dry goods yesterday. It's a lot of work to prepare for a camping trip and again...I'm not a procrastinator. I think I've changed ever since I had kids. I don't take time for granted anymore. I squeeze things into whatever spaces of time I'm given. I do it all gradually. Big pockets of time are just hard to come by.

May has been a crazy month and my scheduled prayer time has been sucked up by American Idol (oops) and catching up with Ted every night. Hopefully I can bounce back and improve this now that AI is over. It was my first year watching this show and is was more fun than I thought it would be. It was a family event! And as for the outcome of the contest...I would have been happy either way. I liked both Taylor and Kat. I'm happy Taylor win and Kat seemed to take it well. I'm sure we've not heard the last from her anyway.

This morning I was looking at a paper Sam wrote. It was titled "Clowning Around" and it was mounted on a big paper clown. It kinda cracks me up so I'm going to share it with you:

This summer I'm going camping twice! One to Gulf Shores for 10 days! Another to Eminence (I recently heard this so I don't know how many days). And we're going to the pool every Wednesday! (If it is warm enough). And I'm going golfing in Gulf Shores. I'm having as many people to spend the night as I want! My mom said I could have my cousin over alot. And in my spare time I will read, swing, get on the computer, or listen to music (I'd probably listen to Bad Day by Daniel Powter), play my PS2 or my GBA. I would also see if my neighbor can play. I would show him my legos that I just got yesterday. Then we'd play with them the rest of the morning. Then we'd eat lunch together. I'd love to play my favorite game Club Penguin on the computer. My mom said we'd have pizza at least once a week! I think I'll have a fun summer!

Doesn't his life sound wonderful? I don't remember the pizza comment, and most of my other comments were glorified to the extreme.. "I'm having as many people to spend the night as I want!" ??? Yes, we talked about seeing more of his friends and having more time to spend with them. I love it when they write. I don't always hear much about what's going on in their stuff like this, I treasure. You can keep anything the teachers pre-made for them or pre-wrote. I like the things that say who they are...their mark.

Today after school, my babysitter's coming over so I can go out with my sister Becky and help her register for baby stuff. How fun is that? A babysitter after school! I've never done that before. I'm digging this babysitter stuff. I used to be so stingy with babysitting. It was a treasured commodity I didn't want to use just for myself! Every now and then I loosen the purse strings and it is so worth it!

Ok...gotta clean the house. The babysitter will report us to DFS if I don't this place in order. I told you this was hodge podge!

1 comment:

~Jennifer said...

Oh, what if you could find a babysitter who cleans?! I got it! You need to get yourself a wife! ;-) Wouldn't that be wonderful?