Thursday, May 18, 2006

Snapshot Thursday

What's at the top of my to-do list?
--Pack for girl's overnighter!
--Finish up the school year

What have I accomplished?
--Practiced guitar
--Prayed for people when I said I would (trust me...that's a big accomplishment)
--Got Mary's 18 month pictures taken and Ben's scheduled for Saturday morning.
--Arranged carpool for Abby's 5pm Thursday practices so I can feed the kids dinner! I take and the other lady picks up which allows us to go home and eat instead of staying through the whole practice trying to entertain 3 children.

What's bugging me?
--Ants...all over the kitchen and family room! Good news is that Ben doesn't freak out whenever he sees them anymore because he sees them often! I guess our ant problem has helped him to reduce his fear of bugs!

What have I said I was going to do but I havenÂ’t?
--Work on my albums. It's supposed to happen tonight. We'll see.

What's my latest obsession?
--Practicing guitar
--American Idol. Who do I think should win? I find Taylor moreinterestingg and entertaining, but I would probably be more likely to buy an album of Katharine's. I like it when she doesn't over-do the songs and she sings simply. She has a beautiful voice. I think Katharine will win for her global appeal.

What's been making me happy?
--School is almost out. I look forward to some "older kid's" conversation at home and help in entertaining the younger kids.
--I'm starting to prepare for our Gulf Shore's vacation. I'm really looking forward to getting away as a family for a long vacation. Hopefully, it will feel like a vacation :-).
--This weekend I'm getting together with a bunch of girls for our annual overnighter. We'll book a hotel room (or two), eat out, drink, do facials, sleep, and share breakfast together the next morning. I'm really looking forward to the girl time.

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