Friday, June 02, 2006

I'm Still Here

As summer in our house has officially started this week. I'm in a new place of competing for computer time. Sam and Abby use it a lot and and Ben is now an expert at the mouse and wants to play on the "Thomas the Tank Engine" website. *sigh*. I'm wondering how much I'll get to post this summer. Obviously I can kick them off. But sometimes, I can get a lot done while they are happily entertaining themselves.

Not only has lack of computer time kept me from posting, but also this trip I've been preparing for us to go on TOMORROW. Yes, all week I've been washing clothes, packing clothes, shopping for food, packing food, getting my hair cut, giving hair cuts, renting from the library, returning to the library, etc, etc.

On top of all this, Ben has chosen NOW to potty train. I did not pick this time, he did. I do my usual, occasional know the litany, "Big boys go potty on the potty chair"..."Do you want to go potty on the potty chair?"..."Underpants are for big boys"..."Babies wear diapers" and so on and so on. Well, this morning he peed in the tub after his bath. So I recited my litany and asked him if he wanted to go in the potty chair. I told him he would get a treat. He said YES! We went to the toilet and after much squeezing and pulling (stop! I want grandchildren!), he finally went...standing up!! I'm so happy and excited. Not only that, but he wore his Thomas underwear all day and only had one big accident. I'm not going to stop the rolling snowball. I will take advantage of his excitement (and his love for m&m's) and keep this puppy moving. One problem...he wants to strip naked every time. Tiring. Even shoes have to off. My sister, Lisa, said, "It's no surprise that Ben would have stipulations on how he wants to go to the bathroom."

Tomorrow we have to drive 740 miles. Ha. Hmm...back to the diaper. But we'll use the trailer toilet for pit stops and see if he wants to go. I just don't have enough clothes to potty train on a trip. I guess I'll have to do laundry a couple of times.

Well, Abby has a softball game...gotta go. I will try to post more often. Even if it's short blurbs. Better than nothing.

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