Monday, November 28, 2005

Going Digital...More Than I Already Have!

Does anyone every use that movie function on their digital cameras? I'm starting to dig it now! I used to think, "Why do a short video on my camera when I can have a higher resolution with a my video camera?". Yes, they take up a lot of space on the camera, and the flow is choppier and the resolution is lower, but you know what? I've found some uses for it!

The video from your camera is much easier to store on your computer because it's in smaller pieces than the ones on your video camera. Because of this, there are more uses. For one, I can e-mail someone a short clip. Sam discovered a short video of himself doing a golf swing. It was cute because he was only about 7 and he totally missed and almost fell down. He e-mailed it out to people and had a good laugh over it. Yesterday, I did a short video of the kids playing different parts in a "band" (drums, guitar, vocals, etc). I put this in their journals in my journaling software called "Footprints" ( Footprints lets you insert audio clips, video clips and digital pictures into your computer journal. It's so cool! Now I have an applicable place to put these short videos!! Another use: If I couldn't be with someone on their birthday and they live far away, it would be fun to send a short happy birthday message using the video option and e-mailing it. Wouldn't that be cool to receive? I'm going to be using this feature more often!

I'm lucky, mine has sound and allows zooming during the video. There are different versions of this feature. Many don't allow you to zoom during the recording, but will allow you to zoom closer before recording. Even with some of these options missing (although I think sound is pretty important), I think it's highly entertaining.

It just makes me wonder...What other new technology is out there that I have already written off as useless? These are the ones I'm thinking about: Digital Scrapbooking, flash drives, mp3's. I especially want to learn more about digital scrapbooking. I am an avid "tactile" scrapbooker. How does this digital scrapbooking work? Do you print out the finished product? Or keep it online? Is it cheaper than buying all the supplies for a physical album? Hmmmm....something to research...

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