Sunday, August 26, 2007

This 'n That

Jason Bourne Movies--Can I just say how much the I love the Jason Bourne movies??? I LOVE them. I know you can't believe I'm talking about something other than poop...but I'll get to that later. :-) I think it was last weekend that Ted and I went to see Bourne Ultimatum and I LOVED it!! We've seen all three and I don't see a movie unless I think it's going to be really good! Date nights are valuable time and are not to be wasted. The Bourne movies are never a waste of time. Because I analyze everything, I had to ask myself...what is it that attracts me to these movies? I found my answer. I love it when people use their wits to get them out of a situation. It is more interesting to watch someone outsmart people than to just blow them up. And to do it under the pressure of time is even more fascinating. I know if someone rushed me to come up with a creative solution...I would totally fail. I'm a horrible on the spot thinker. I blank out when I have to give introductions...I would suck on game shows like Jeopardy. So I think that's why I admire quick and creative thinkers. I hope they come out with more Bourne movies, because three is not enough for me!! I think he's way better than James Bond!!

Catching Up With My House--If there is anything that gives me great satisfaction, it is purging! Yesterday I cleaned and organized and purged...and it felt SO good. I think my distraction with the PTO has made me neglect so many things. I need to catch up. I'm hosting my CRHP group tonight so I knew I needed to get going, but I wanted to do more than straighten. I went through all of our Little People toys, Lincoln Log train track, James and Thomas Duplo Train set, etc. The back of my Suburban is FULL of toys!! I hate thinking of the money that was spent and how quickly they are outgrown. I'm trying to give them away to friends, but I might donate them to a children's home.

Poop--You knew it had to happen sooner or later. It's a big topic right now. Thank you, Theresa, for counting how many times I said it in my last blog. 70? Whew! Anyway, Ben is officially trained!! He is now pooping in the potty every time!! He is getting more comfortable each time and he is SO proud!! I can't believe the time has finally come. He's not so worried about the size of it now and just seems more relaxed about it. I intend to give my pediatrician a thank you note. He saved me from poop! Now we got to get him to wipe his own butt. Don't worry, I won't write chronicles about it.

Healthy Eating--We're making a renewed push to eat healthy. You know I struggle with getting all my fruits and vegetables every day, well my husband does too. He got a wake up call when a friend of his had a mild heart attack! He's young like Ted and it reminded Ted that the bad heart stuff runs in his family and he needs to do something about it now!

That's the main stuff right now. I'm going to walk over to my neighbor and see if she wants some of these toys for her grandson!!

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