Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Snapshot

I feel like it's been a while since I blogged so I should write a snapshot:

What's at the top of my to-do list?
--Tonight is our Packet Pick Up Night where the kids meet their teacher and get their "Back to School" paperwork. I'll be at the PTO table the whole time showing my SLIDE SHOW!!! I'm so excited. I finished it Monday. I am so happy with it. Basically, I have pictures from all the events we did last year and set it to "Your Grace is Enough" (Matt Maher), "Happy Together" (Turtles), "Kind and Generous" (Natalie Merchant), "Time of Your Life" (Green Day) and ending with the end of "Your Grace is Enough". It's sad because I recorded the kids singing and the some mass songs and they just didn't work on the slide show. I think the songs I picked are better. Parents will be in a long line getting ready to pay some fees they are probably not too happy about...and a slide show will be going on the whole time, reminding them WHY they are here! I'm really excited about it and can't wait to see the response. I put many hours into that slide show. No one will have a clue how much work it took.
--The kids go back to school Monday! :-(. It's really been a great summer. It's the first summer they really all played together. I will miss them.
--Ben goes to Preschool for the first time. He seems to actually be looking forward to it. I hope the three days doesn't itimidate him. At least they will be shorter. He can count to 100 now and really wants to learn how to read. I think this is what is motivating him to go to preschool. No Mom's Day Out for Mary this year. She'll be home. But we'll be ready for two days of MDO next year.
--Once Packet Pick Up Night is over, I'll need to focus on my house! It is straightened but NOT clean. Those poor toilets. I'm banking on the fact that Oprah says our toilets are cleaner than our kitchens! But I think I've taken that too far and need to clean them!
--Our first PTO meeting is the "Taste of J&A". We'll have food samples from our Shop For Our School vendors. I think we'll be introducing a new Incentive Program for the kids at this meeting called "Keys to Success". I need to plan this meeting.
--I need to get a Book Fair Chair. Hopefully tonight!!
--I need to compose guidelines for our Chairs to follow this year on spending, promotion, etc.
--I need to pick up the liturgy packets from the rectory, make a schedule for the liturgists and organize and distribute their packets.
--I need to plan a crop day. I'm way behind after all those summer pictures!
--Date Night Saturday night...get sitter. I want to see the new Bourne movie. I love those!!

What have I accomplished?
--First ever PTO Slide show!
--A lot of PTO stuff...getting ready for the school year and Packet Pick Up night
--Started an e-manual for the PTO. It will list responsibilities for each job and details on every event we hold, as well as a timeline of duties for each year.
--Got supplies for the Children's Liturgy cabinet
--School supplies are all purchased and ready to be brought to school tonight

What's bugging me?
--Failed potty training. No one is motivated but me. I've tried gold stars, sitting on the potty time, Dora underwear. Nope. Not ready. She's peeing everywhere. He still DOES NOT want to poop on the potty, but we are in underpants full time now and he asks for a pull up when he wants to poop. My neighbor thinks that's progress. Who knows. I'll wait until they are more ready. It'll be a magical day when Ben starts pooping on the potty. We're gonna have a big party.

What's my latest obsession?
--Well it's hard to say. I JUST finished with that slide show and that was definitely my obsession for a while. We'll see what fills in the gaps. I guess I would say it is making a PTO e-manual.

What's been making me happy?
--Accomplishing so much with the PTO and Children's Liturgy
--Having a good summer
--Using my Mom's Days Out this summer to spend time with Sam and Abby. We had our last one yesterday. We would go swimming with the cousins or go to the movies. I have two more after they go back to school that will be totally mine. Well kinda. I will clean out the PTO cabinet during one of them.


Anonymous said...

How in the world do you do it all? You are an amazing woman!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Theresa - you are amazing!!
I thought of you today when I agreed to a carpool with another lady from our neighboorhood. I remember you expressing how big of a responsibility that felt like - and I am feeling it! I went from being relatively footloose and fancy-free (for a week) to now I am obligated on tuesdays and thursdays to take this boy to and from school and keep him for an hour on tuesdays after school. Should be interesting.
Funny how we get ourselves involved in stuff, huh??

Oh, and I know exactly how much work that slideshow took and I want to tell you that I am proud of you and impressed!!