Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Days 3 and 4 of the Poop Chronicles

Yesterday, I took the kids to my sisters after our first day of school (a half day). He had to go poop and he didn't want to do it in the toilet and so he pooped in his pants. I was crushed. But I thought...baby steps. This thing terrifies him! Why expect him to make the jump to the toilet while he's only had one demon expelling experience on the potty chair?? Next time I'll take the potty with us. Especially in these learning stages.

So Day 4, right in the middle of dinner he starts complaining and grabbing his stomach. I immediately react and ask him if he needs to go poop. He at first resists, but I am persistent. We go into the bathroom and this is the scene...audibly. And this is our conversation about it afterwards. I'll let you listen to see what happens. The first one is 3 minutes...it could be slow to download...I'm not sure. And did you hear him obsess about the size of the poop and whether it is "collecting" and if he is empty? Gosh!! We're going to have a rough time in life with his anxiety!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hearing those makes me think of the boy from Parenthood - Gill's son. Tonnes of anxiety - and yet, SO cute!! Some are just more sensitive than others I think.

You are doing a great job with this - way to perservere!!!