Sunday, December 31, 2006

Review of 2006

Before I totally dive into 2007, I'd like to review 2006. I did this last year and when I looked back at the year, I realized how far I had come. Let's look again:

--Mary is sick with a double ear infection and a bronchial infection. Went on antibiotics. Needed stronger antibiotic because it didn't go away on the first round
--My friend from Australia comes in to visit. We spend some time together.
--Ben continues second semester of Parent's Day Out
--I took the kids to Chuck E Cheese's for a PTO myself. First outlook of hope that I can take the kids somewhere by myself.
--Crop Day
--Women's Retreat--first one in two years without a nursing baby attending with me. Great retreat.

--Ted went on Men's retreat. I survived.
--Sam plays basketball...we can't keep Mary from running onto the court at every game!
--Sam and Abby help me volunteer for the Winter Carnival at school. It was a bonding event. I realized how we could do more things like this together. It was at the Winter Carnival when the PTO asked me to be Vice President next year. Why did I go?? :-)
--Mary is driving me crazy by climbing on my counter tops and pulling the keys off my laptop

--Read "Purpose Driven Life". This book changed my attitude of "victim mom" to an attitude of service. It shaped a lot of my decisions to volunteer at church and school (PTO, CRHP, Children's Liturgy). These, in turn, got me out of the house and made me feel I had something else to offer besides being a mom (which I still hold in the highest esteem)
--Read the book "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. It helped Ted and I speak each other's languages.
--Attended CRHP retreat. Decided to become a part of the team to give the next retreat and offered to lead music. This was followed by shear panic "What the hell am I getting myself into??"
--Officially accepted the position of VP for PTO for the next school year.
--Took the plunge into a skin care routine (Arbonne) which I eventually all but abandoned (besides the facial cleansing). The bottles now sit rejected in my cabinet. I've since put the facial scrub in my shower so I remember to use it. I've also dusted off my sea salt scrub and used it recently. The other stuff is sitting.
--Installed new doors upstairs.
--Turned 37.

--Went camping the week of Spring Break at Pine Lakes of our favorites. It was a great, relaxing trip!
--Drew up a plan for the basement. Got bids. Committed to finishing over the summer.
--Made the awesome decision to enroll Mary at Parent's Day Out with Ben next year and gain one day of freedom a week!!
--Sam and Abby enjoy a huge obsession with the membership website "Club Penguin". This lasts for MONTHS!

--Ben turns three and gets a "big boys bed"
--Start "talk time" with Sam and Abby to reconnect with them. We feel like they are strangers since our focus is mostly coping with Ben and Mary. Talk time starts when Ben and Mary go to bed.
--Abby's softball season begins
--Life becomes stressful with Ben and Mary being so high maintenance. Mary gets into everything and Ben has huge screaming, emotional meltdowns. Can I get through??
--We decide I'm sick of not having a wedding ring for 2 years and Ted starts putting away expense checks to save for the ring.
--Boycott is started at Becky's house because of horrifying experience regarding their dog playfully loving my two mortified toddlers. We cannot enter the house again as long as they have this "attack" memory of her dog.
--Girl's weekend to eat, sleep, talk, drink and do facials. FUN!

--Kids finish school
--Took a family trip to Gulf Shores. The beach was beautiful, but the scenery was stripped away by the hurricane and Ben and Mary were no fun. I dream of a vacation that actually feels like a vacation!
--Struggle with lack of computer time as all the kids dominate them. Ben is a new computer fan.
--Ben starts potty training.

--Camping in Eminence. Met up with friends from Men's and Women's group and their kids. Ben and Mary were much better and I actually had an enjoyable time! The kids had a great time together!
--A big storm left Ted's family without electricity. We house his parents and brother's family for about 4 days. I can honestly say I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the company. Too bad our basement wasn't fully finished yet. It could have even been better.

--Basement is finished!

--Kids go back to school
--Ben and Mary start Parent's Day Out...I totally enjoy my free Tuesdays!!!
--Carpool with three families. I only drive two pick-ups a week! Ted takes one morning a week. That's it!!
--Decide to help with Children's Liturgy at church. Sam and Abby agree to help
--Recommit to potty training Ben, Ben gets the potty part right...but still not poop trained.
--Spend lots of time on PTO and preparing for CRHP retreat.
--Ted goes on golf weekend with the guys
--Abby turns 8.
--Plan Jamaica trip for June. Secure babysitting for all 5 nights!

--Give CRHP weekend. Feel relief that it is over.
--Sam turns 10.
--Life seems easier. House seems more settled now that Sam and Abby are back in school and the first month is under our belts. We get into a groove.

--The day Mary celebrates turning 2, Ted gets laid off after 8 years at Charter Communications
--Cancel Jamaica trip (it was never booked)
--Go on Crop weekend. Get a TON done!! 534 pictures were put into albums!!
--Begin watching my new niece one day a week
--Mary loosens her obsessive hold on me. Begins to entertain herself more.

--Ted and I go on a Marriage Encounter weekend
--I search for the best homemade pizza dough and discover the bread machine!!
--Abby tells me she doesn't believe in Santa anymore
--Ted secures a job at AT&T!!
--I get a new wedding ring!
--We hold the annual Poker Night at our house this year for Ted and his friends.

When I reflect on 2006, I realize the strides we made with Ben and Mary. They are so much easier and this makes my life easier which in turn makes me happier! I feel like 2007 year will be a good year for us. I look at how much happened in 2006 and think WOW...look at what we did! Thank you, God, for being with me through the difficult times and helping me appreciate the good. You are awesome!


Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blogspot but feel we have a lot in common. I'll be back often. I have one random question...I'm new to the blog does one go about getting a blog that looks so nice and professional? Does it cost money? or can I learn how to do it myself? I love the 'look' of yours. How do you do it?

Missy said...

It's very simple. If you e-mail address is . You can e-mail me to give me your e-mail address (so it's not public on my comments) and I'll help you with all the details. It doesn't cost a dime. Blogger is a beautiful thing! I love visiters...thank you for stopping by and I'm glad you are interested enough to read more!