Sunday, December 31, 2006

All Day Crop and Goals for 2007

I went to an all day crop yesterday at my friend, Anna's house. She is single with no children so we like to gather at her house to crop. We had a pattern last year that died slowly because she became busy at work. Now we have resolved to renew our focus on getting together to crop again. We have already planned January's date as well as February's.

Last night I worked on Abby's album. She was over two year's behind. I got one year finished! There is something very surreal about working on one full hear in her album. I went from the picture of her and Sam on the porch on her first day of Kindergarten to the picture of her and Sam on the porch on her first day of First Grade. It puts it all in front of you how fast they grow and that in one sitting I could glimpse a full year of her life. I look at those pictures of Kindergarten only two years ago and I can't believe how much she has changed in those two, short years. She's a young lady (OK she's only eight, but she acts like a young lady). She's into fashion, fixing her hair and playing "school" in the basement. She feels so grown up compared to two years ago.
Many things changed in the last two years. While dealing with a toddler, we added another baby to the mix, which turned our world upside down. I wouldn't change it for anything, but it was a difficult two years. Since our focus was on the younger children, Sam and Abby were forced to grow up quickly and take more responsibilities. I can't get those two years back...but I have already made changes that will shift the focus back to Sam and Abby. I've talked about some of what we've done.
--We try to have a talk time that happens after the younger ones go to bed. With the late night activities during break we got off track, but I look forward to resuming it when the kids go back to school.
--Sam and Abby are going to take swim lessons in the spring to prepare for swim team in the summer.
--Occasionally, we'll have a game night with the older ones after the younger ones go to bed.
--Ted and I take turns helping them study for tests. I really like doing this. I feel a bond when we spend that one on one time asking questions and helping them figure out ways to remember the answers.
--Sam is going to go to Cub scout camp this summer. He didn't go last summer because our vacation overlapped it by one day. While all the other boys were awarded fun badges like archery and swimming, he didn't get one because he missed the camp. I don't want that to happen again this year. Luckily our vacation will be later in the summer in 2007.
In 2007, I hope we feel more like one full family instead of a wrestling tag team taking turns with the younger ones. I want to find more activities we can share as a family. I want to push Mary's nap more so we can share more together. Some of the activities we did as a family were the most fun and gratifying of all! Like when we ate Cici's pizza and drove through Tilles Park to look at the beautiful Christmas light display, or when we camped at Pine Lakes Campground and took golf cart rides around the lake, or when me and the kids went with my parents to the Zoo, or when we took bike/stroller rides at Laurel Park and threw rocks in the lake followed by playing on the playground. I look forward to more of this. It's a challenge to find activities that all the ages in our family can enjoy, but it is do-able. It just takes some creativity and effort. With my youngest getting older, I'm finding more energy to work on these things.
Goals for 2007...
For the Family:
--Find more activities to participate in as a family. Be more flexible with Mary's naps in order to do this.
--Get Ted well established in his new job at AT&T. I hope he feels comfortable in the new environment, is successful, and gains new friendships.
--Catch up on all of my albums this year. With the scheduled crop dates with my friends and a continuation of my evening picture cropping after the younger ones go to bed, this will help me catch up, and stay caught up.
--Find more activities for Sam that get him off the electronics...piano lessons?, swim lessons, swim team, cub scout camp.
--Get out of the house more with Ben and Mary while the kids are in school. Go to the mall, the zoo, the park, to Grandma's house. Watch less TV and get OUT!
--Continue to "check-in" time with Ted at the end of the day to stay in touch and keep the communication lines open.
On the Home front:
--Break up asphalt driveway and replace with new concrete driveway
--Buy Dining room furniture for the Dining room
What were my goals for 2006?
"New Years Resolution:
1) Invite people over more often. I love my one on one time with my sisters or my mom. I want to have them over more.
2) Spend more quality time with Abby and Sam. We've started "Special Time with Mom" and "Special Time with Dad" where once a month each one goes out with one of us for fast food or ice cream. It's our time to talk and see where they they're doing. They often get lost in the Ben and Mary sea. We also started game night on Wednesday nights. After Ben and Mary go down, we play a game of their choice before bed time.
3) Read scripture calendar every morning. Digest the words, think about them.
4) Catch up on Albums"
Wow. Things haven't changed much!!

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