Monday, January 09, 2006

Flashback Writing Day

This is the part of the show where I do a flashback to an old poem or journal entry (actual diary, not a blog). This one isn't too old. I wrote it while I was in the hospital with my Grandpa who was dying.

My Grandpa’s Hands
Written on his last night in the hospital 10/2/03
by his Granddaughter, Missy

Have you seen my Grandpa’s hands?
They may look swollen now
They used to hold me on his lap
And brush across my brow

These are my Grandpa’s hands
They’re mighty hands indeed
They may look wrinkled and weathered now
But once they bounced me on his knee

How I love my Grandpa’s hands
They’re warm and strong and good
They may now rest with little strength
But once they carved great things from wood

How I’ll miss my Grandpa’s hands
For now they stifle his cough
But once they loved the lake house and fishing
And enjoyed many rounds of golf

I’ll always remember my Grandpa’s hands
And this is what I’ll miss
The times he cupped my face in them
To give me an Eskimo kiss

Thank you God for Grandpa’s hands
And the ways they’ve served you too
These hands are old and tired now
So let them rest with You

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