Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Snapshot

What's at the top of my to-do list?
--Set out clothes for Spring pictures tomorrow
--Get the house back in order after a busy weekend
--Take Ben and Mary to the zoo while Ben is on Spring break (Sam's and Abby's is next week)
--Wash sheets after Ted's day of puking...yes you heard me
--Catch up in Ben and Mary's albums (the only ones left that are behind), so I can start digital scrapbooking!!! I'm so obsessed with getting this done. I've been behind since Ben and Mary were born. I'm almost caught up!! I vow to keep my scrapbook supplies on my dining room table until I'm caught up. I better finish in April, because Ben's birthday is May 6th!! I was intrigued by this digital scrapbooking when I went on my crop weekend...but thought it was too expensive to print a book. It was my friend, Stacey, who got me looking into again because she found an affordable option...Winkflash!! A website that prints your photobook at a much cheaper price!!!

--We're getting a computer fixed and bringing it into my bedroom for the kids who do NOT want to go downstairs to be on the computer... they will be able to go onto the one in my bedroom and I can have my laptop available to ME!

What have I accomplished?
--Hung mirror in family room (ok...Ted did that)
--Staying caught up on laundry with the "load a day" method
--Went on a date night with Ted and did NOT order off the Weight Watcher menu and enjoyed every minute of it. Followed THAT with a big chocolate candy bar purchase from the gas station and ate it during the movie. Did not count a single calorie
--Got to mass even though Ted was horribly sick. Managed to take Mary with me and had Sam watch Ben (Abby was at a slumber party and Sam had gone to the 5pm mass with Ted on Saturday--thank goodness!)
--Have kept my 10 pound weight loss holding steady. It's even creaped to 11, but I'm not counting it yet.
--Bought Creative Memories software for digital scrapbooking--Storybook Creator PLUS!!! It was instant gratification because I downloaded it! However, I'm putting off totally playing with it until I catch up my paper albums.

What's been bugging me?
--Mary is all over my scrapbooking efforts. Of course. I wouldn't expect her to do anything else. She is paging through my pictures, getting them out of order, looking for the ones with her in them, then she'll want to wear what's in the picture, so I have to get her angel dress from halloween and put it on her, and then she talks with spit spewing from her mouth (her mouth is just above the table) so I have to wipe the spit droplets from my pictures...*gaspforbreath*. She just cracks me up and she just goes non-stop. Talk, talk, talk, question, question, need. *sigh*. However, she is getting used to it all and I've noticed her interest in the whole thing, waning. This is what I hoped would happen! I just give her a pink pen and paper and she's happy!
--I was supposed to scrapbook at Archiver's today but Ted was sick so I stayed home. Oh well. It was a worse loss for him than it was me. It stinks to be sick on the weekend when you work full-time. Poor guy. He's staying home tomorrow to recooperate.
--We don't have a Vice President for next year's PTO board yet. Yikes.
--Not having access to my computer. The kids are always on it. I'm looking forward to getting a computer in my room.

What's been making me happy?
--Mary. Can you believe it? Ever since my rant about that horrible weekend, she has totally improved! She's so much better. I'm actually enjoying her now. Thank you, God. I never had to resort to locking doors...didn't need to. Which reminds me... I should just stick to my instincts and trust that most of the stuff like that just blows over.
--DUH. Just the thought of digital scrapbooking...
--Spring is almost here and I'm ready! Goodbye winter!!

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