Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Love Yardwork

I just got finished raking some leaves and mowing the lawn. Soon it will be time to pick up the kids from school, but I thought I would write a little before going.

I love yard work. I really do. I love being outside and accomplishing something at the same time. Let me tell's not always easy sharing this stuff with Mary. I dropped Ben off at school and felt it was the perfect day to finish up the leaf pick up and mow the lawn. Mary did not fall asleep on the way home (which she rarely does anyway) so I knew I would be sharing this with her. Raking with Mary is like raking in a gailstorm. She wants the rake when I have the rake, and she wants my handy dandy, huge claws when I'm trying to use the handy dandy huge claws. I try to use as much patience as possible, but I often see my desire to accomplish go out the window. I got her to share the claws with me today. Although, they are not as effective one at a time, it was still better than no claws. When Mary has the claws, she gets about six leaves at a time. And when she rakes, she ruins my big pile and spreads them all over the place. Sometimes I laugh at the irony of it all, because it's just not that important to do anything but that! THEN, she has to go to the bathroom...which means dropping everything to come inside and attend to her needs. After get her fully redressed, we are ready to tackle the yard again.

In the end, I got it all done and even had time to blog. Which just goes to show, it's not worth getting frustrated with Mary if we can both end up being happy with the outcome and the process, too.

I've really been enjoying this awesome fall weather. It's going to be hard for me to be banished to the indoors when it freezes up again. However, there is something comforting about having shelter in a snow storm. I love looking out the windows at the bitter cold, knowing that I am safe and warm. Time to pick up the kids! I hate being late.

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