Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Camping

This weekend we went camping in Hannibal, MO, at a place called Injun Joe Campground. Yes, it is the birthplace of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and they never let you forget it. Hannibal is full of Mark Twain memorabilia. Hotels and streets and shops bear his name and the names of the famous characters in his books (Becky Thatcher and Huckleberry Finn). Anyway, the trip started out very rough (me in tears because the younger two would not go to bed) and ended up much better as the younger two adapted to their camping surroundings and actually settled down to sleep when they wore themselves out. With one trip under our belt, I'm hoping the next one will be much easier, as they know now what to expect. The older two, of course, had a great time, with only one "we're bored" session.

I figure pictures are some of the best ways to explain a trip. Here are some to tell the story (in the order they were taken):

Mary Swinging

Ben Roasts a Hotdog

Shopping with the Girls

Ben and Mary at the Picnic Table

Cooking Over the Fire with a Dutch Oven (and you though only Girl Scouts used them!)

Game Boy By the Fire

My Dad

Secrets in a Tent

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