I don't know if you know this, but I'm a numbers gal. I'm not as much as person that enjoys calculating, as I am a person who enjoys the meaning of the number itself. I love averages and percentages because they tell me something. Numbers are black and white. You can make them lie if you want, but typically they don't. I decided to get some information by finding the "numbers" on my scrapbooking. They are sobering. Please read on if you dare:
10 --# of years I have been cropping
10--# of family albums completed
12 1/2--# of family albums that would be completed if I was caught up
40 --average number of pages I put in an album (80 sides)
5--average number of pictures I put on one side
1567--# of pictures I took in 2005
715--# of pictures I printed in 2005 for my family album
54--% of pictures I printed out of the pictures I took in 2005
1383--# of pictures I have taken so far in 2006
370--# of pictures I actually printed for my family album in 2006 so far
27--% of pictures I printed out of the ones I took in 2006
6-12--# of months each family album holds
5--# of years Sam's first album holds
4--# of years Abby's first album holds
2--# of years Sam's second album will hold when I'm caught up
1 1/2--# of years Abby's second album will hold when I'm caught up
1--# of years I'm behind in my family album
2--# of years I'm behind in each of my kids albums
1340--# of pictures that are printed and need to be put in albums
280--# of Ben's pictures
260--# of Abby's pictures
200--# of Sam's pictures (eyeballed it...was sick of counting pictures)
200--# of Mary's pictures (I started her album last night! 12 sides complete!!)
400--# of Family pictures
12--# of sides I completes at my last cropnight with distractions in 3 1/2 hours
15--approx # of minutes it took me to complete each album page (side).
65--# of hours it will take me to catch up figuring 1340 pictures at 5 pics a page at 15 minutes a page
I know. I went a little overboard. I can't wait to crop this coming weekend and bring some of those "behind" numbers down and some of those "finished" numbers up. I know I won't be all caught up after the crop weekend, but I hope to make a huge dent in it. I will come back and report all new numbers!
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