Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Better Than a Massage?

I love a clean house. I enjoy the process too. There is something very gratifying about taking something messy and making it clean. A clean house makes me feel good, inside and out. It makes me feel uncluttered and unburdened. I would love to be an organizer on Mission Organization and watch the client praise the end result. Cleaning is so controllable. If only I had the control to do it more often. The kids went to Parent's Day Out today, so it was my mission to get the house in tip-top shape. First, I focused on the kitchen: did the dishes, got rid of the clutter on the counter, wiped all the counters and table, and swept the floor. Ahhhhh...nothing like clutterless counters. It's rare in my house. I then went into the Family Room and put all the toys back into the lidded wicker basket that Mary loves to dump. I took a vacuum to that room. So much better! Next was the worse room in the house. But I decided to call my mom and go to lunch first. She was a happy participant. We went to the bread company where I had my latest favorite "lemon artichoke chicken panini". Doesn't that sound delicious? It was! I shared my house cleaning mission with my mom and guess what? She wanted to help! What a great mom. I told her about the loads and loads of laundry on my bedroom floor. Clean laundry, but unfolded. My mom helped me fold and put away approximately 3 loads of laundry! It's better than a massage, it's better than a spa treatment. It's free! (actually, some people pay for it) It's exhilarating! After that, I went through 3 bags of hand-me-down clothes. Those can tend to sit for a while...but now they have been properly sorted and stored away. I feel more ready for my weekend. I'm really looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Yup. My room is the place where I can put things just because there is room for it. Things that are "waiting to be done" (like bags of hand me down clothes and washed laundry) go in there because I'm afraid if I store it in a place I won't see it, I will forget about it. I need stuff right in front of my face, bugging me...in order to do it. That's funny what Tim did...sounds like someone was coming over? Haha.