Thursday, June 15, 2006

My Dad, On His Throne

I love my Dad. He has so much joy for life. He's so enthusiastic about his faith. I love to go to him for advice or to tap in on his knowledge. He's never judgmental, always humble, never assumes he knows more than he does. He's aware of all of his weaknesses and will emphasize those over his strengths. He gives God all the credit...and not just lip service. He means it. He's taught me so much, just by his example. A lot of my thoughts inside my head, and the way I look at life, is shaped by my Dad. In this picture, I think of my Dad and how he never goes to fast. He always has time to sit down and share the awesome things of life with you.

This may be too much information, but I have to tell you one example of this that happened recently. I called to talk to my Dad about a couple of things on my mind lately. I like to get his advice. When I called him, my mom answered. He was on the pot. He accepted my phone call it was nothing. Ok, so we are kind of an open family, I know. The fact that I knew he was on the toilet when I was talking to him is disgusting for some, but to me...well...I felt important. I talked to him about CRHP and PTO. These are two things on my mind lately that I feel slight stress because of the importance of them. I talked about my responsibilities and the fears of failure. We talked about cruises and how Ted and I want to go on one for our 15th anniversary next year (or maybe the year after). We talked about other little things that were on my mind. We don't talk on the phone often, but when we do, I am never bored and I'm always fascinated with what he has to say. Our conversation leaps from one topic to another. I never feel rushed. I can tell he thoroughly enjoys it as much as I do. We talked for almost an hour. All of this while he was on the pot. And then, the topper...I asked him to hold me up in his prayers (he prays daily for us...and holds us up individually once a week) about leading music for CRHP and serving on the PTO, that God guides me and calms my fears. He said, "Well, let's pray right now." With that he went into a very powerful, heartfelt prayer. For me. While he was on the pot. I have to admit, this made me laugh inside towards the end. God showed me how much my Dad loves me. The way He did that just makes me smile. I know I am very fortunate. I know not everyone has this. I know it's a gift. I know he won't always be there. I'm trying to enjoy him while he's here...even if he's in the bathroom. :-)


Anonymous said...

Now, this one brought a little tear to my eye...and made me laugh out loud! Is it too much to say I could just picture it?!

Missy said...

I know...I hesitated even writing it. But it is so true! And it's so 'my dad'.