Friday, October 28, 2005

Snapshot Thursday (A Little Late)

What's at the top of my to-do list?
--I need to come up with some appetizers for Mary's party on Sunday
--I need to bake her birthday cake
-- I'd like to go through the kids clothes and store what they've grown out of and give away what we no longer need

What have I accomplished?
--Made chili and froze it for Mary's party
-- Started going through Abby and Sam's clothes
-- Painted front doors
-- Did the two picture walls (bedroom and breakfast room)
--Put bins with each child's name on them to put items they like to have access to and don't want to go upstairs for everyday (Game Boys, toys that need to be brought upstairs, etc.) Also did a paper bin for school work in progress, and school info.

What's bugging me?
--Mary has a runny nose and all week she would wipe it on my jeans when she was on the floor and on my shirts when I was holding her.
--My messy closets. I really want to get some deep cleaning/organizing done!
--My brother has not come over yet to seal our swingset! I called and he didn't return my call!
--I spent 9 hours (with interruptions) making a nun outfit and 5 hours making a Pope outfit and I wish I could have spent a little extra money and bought the darn things but I'm too cheap! I DON'T HAVE 14 hours to kill!

What's the BUZZ? --Great site for getting your house organized! I'm getting the e-mails which are way overwhelming, but she says I don't have to do anything yet, I just need to read them to get a feel for the flow and attitude. I've done this before and stopped because I didn't have time to fly! And I got too many e-mails from her! But I'm doing it again because I'm desperate to get my house in order.

What's my latest obsession?
--Organizing my house!

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