Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A Snapshot

What's at the top of my to-do list?
--To try to focus on my sacrifices in Lent as a way to bring me closer to God, instead of focusing so much on the sacrifice itself!
--Plan my Children's Liturgy for this Sunday
--Update my picture wall before my Uppercase Living party
--Get a sitter for a date night with Ted
--Sign up for Jazzercise this Saturday and start my first class!

What have I accomplished recently?
--Stocked my kitchen with fresh fruits, vegetables and healthier foods
--Lost 5 pounds!!
--The Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. It went so smoothly!!
--Registered Abby for Softball
--Registered Ben for Kindergarten (Yikes!)
--Got caught up on laundry (huge feet!)
--Bought valentines for the kids to exchange

What have I said I was going to do, but haven't?
--Remember those pureed vegetables? After the failure with the mac n cheese, I've abandoned the remaining vegetables in the freezer. I just didn't feel the kids were getting that many vegetables anyway since half the kids didn't like the food I was hiding it in anyway (my picky boys don't eat ground beef or hamburgers)
--I'm doing some of my Rule from Mother's Rule of Life, but not all of it. I feel like I have a long way to go to be consistent on the house and other routines with the kids. I've made permanent changes to my prayer life that I remember to do almost daily but my day seems to just "happen" after that. I'll have to focus on this more.

What's been bugging me?
--Staying outside Ben's door until he falls asleep. Ted and I hardly have any time together in the evenings because one of us is putting all the kids down and sitting outside Ben's door until he falls asleep. Sometimes it can take an hour! It's a pain. Sam had us going through this, too. It will pass as everything else does.
--Mary's clinginess. She screams if I'm leaving and she hasn't gotten to say goodbye the million times she needs to before she feels ready to part from me. She's just going through a really tough time with separation and fears of being alone in any part of the house.

What's been bringing me joy?
--The show John and Kate plus 8! It always takes away any residue of self pity I might have.
--American Idol. I love that show, too.
--I'm just so happy that I get to be at home with my kids everyday. It's such a gift. Even on the bad days.
--Eatting healthier. It's been so fun to find ways to eat healthier but stay under my calorie limit.
--I can't wait to start Jazzercise!!

1 comment:

Annieliz said...

Congrats on the 5 pounds! How did the Jazzercise go today? I've been dieting too . . . just started on Ash Wednesday. Dan's doing it with me and he has been a little pessimistic. We're getting a new scale so he can verify our results! HA!