Thursday, February 28, 2008

Has It Really Been That LONG???

I really can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged. My blogging time has been limited because Ben dominates my computer during the day. At night, when it's my turn to put the kids down, I sit outside Ben's door and that was normally my blogging time...but lately I've been reading a book about the saints called The Fulfillment of All Desire. I kind of fell into a habit of not blogging...or should I say, I fell out of the habit of blogging. I can't believe it's been 19 days. I was going about my merry way until my aunt said,"You have got to get back to posting.......that's the only way I can keep up with your life! So even if it's a short post.......enquiring minds want to know........WHAT'S UP WITH MISSY!!!!!"

I kind of forgot people read my blog and may be the slightest bit anxious to hear what I have to ramble on and on about! So thank you, Kathy, for bringing me back to my senses. Let's go topic by topic.

JAZZERCISE--It deserves all caps because I truly love it. I've been getting in 3 x's a week...and I feel totally indulgent doing it! Why? I can't quite explain that. I think I saw joining a class for exercise as being the epitome of self care. One deserving of mothers whose kids are older and all off to school. Not deserving of women who have no desire to get up at an ungodly hour to fit important things in before the kids wake up. That would be me. I knew I didn't want it badly enough to do that. So to find a solution that works for me...letting the kids practice watching themselves for a little over an hour while I like a sinful delight! So far, my times flex from week to week. Last week, I did Tuesday at 4:25pm, Thursday at 5:35pm and Saturday at 8:15am. Saturday has been my most consistent day so far. The other two fall where our schedule allows from week to week. Thank you, God...for Jazzercise.

Diet--Ok...back to normal caps. I started this diet before Lent. I wanted to capitalize on my motivation. Can you believe after 3 1/2 weeks, I've lost 10 pounds?? I can't. Healthier eating, smaller portions, counting calories, more sensible snacking and no late night binges...have all helped. I said before, I want to make a lifestyle change. To do this, I allow some of my favorite "bad" foods in small doses....and I love so many bad foods. I love bread, pan crust pizza, brownies, custard, donuts, fried foods, etc, etc! I've tried to find healthier foods that I really enjoy and I keep my pantry and fridge stocked with them. I've added whole grain crackers, fruit mixed with yogurt and granola, dried fruit, romaine lettuce for salads, and spinach for my sandwiches every day. I took out the chips and substitute crackers (wheat thins), pretzels, or Sunchips. Sometimes just knowing it's healthy, makes it taste better to me, or gives me the motivation to eat it. Like fruits. I like fruits...but I like cookies better. It's a decision for me to chose the fruit instead. I'm trying to make those good decisions regularly. And then as a treat I'll have a cookie. This works for me right now...and I hope it continues to work for the long haul.

I was 132 lbs when we got married in 1992, 140 before getting pregnant with Sam in 1996, 145 before getting pregnant with Abby in 1998, 150 before getting pregnant with Maggie in 2001, 155 before getting pregnant with Ben in 2003 and went up to 160 before Mary. Lost 10 lbs on Slim Fast, gained back 5. Had Mary...stayed at 155. And now, for the first time in 10 years, I'm back to 145!!! I'd be happy to lose 5 more.

Illnesses--We've been battling colds, ear infections and sinus infections in this house the past couple of weeks. I had a since infection two weeks ago. My teeth hurt! I had to take 14 days of antibiotics for that! Mary is on antibiotics for a nasty ear infection. Carpool was bad the day it peaked. She cried so hard, no one wanted to sit by her. I had to take seven kids to the pharmacy so I could get a dose in her QUICK!! They all tolerated the stop because they felt so sorry for her crying out in pain. Sam has had a bad cough for over a week and I'm wondering if I need to get it checked out. Ben is waking up with matter in his eyes and green gunk in his nose. Hmmm...

New Furniture--I'm almost ready for my family room "after" picture!! I have everything in there but two chairs. They are being delivered Tuesday. We're also waiting on the new carpet. They measured the room last Tuesday, I'm waiting for them to call with the estimate. This all started with hating my fireplace wall. I decided to embrace it and make changes with the other parts of the room I didn't like. Now the fireplace wall is a non-isssue. You'll see why when I post pictures!! Ted got his big screen plasma TV that he'd been dreaming about. If you remember, it came free with the purchase of the furniture. TV's aren't a big deal to me, so it's cute to see him all excited when he doesn't get excited about material things. The TV is a guy thing I guess. I was more excited about my new couch!!!

Retreat--We bid Ted farewell for his ACTS retreat this weekend. We met him at the church for his send off. I wish I could have given him a proper and sincere goodbye. Unfortunately, Abby was crying about missing him, Sam had to take Ben to the bathroom, and Mary was crying because we made her give Daddy back his name tag. She just kept screaming, "I want Daddy's name tag!!"...over and over. I decided to take her outside, but that was no better because Ted was loading in the bus and I could see him, "That's my daughter...she's not missing me...she wants my name tag". *SIGH* That's the note he had to leave on. The screams of his daughter while the whole bus listens. I'm sure they all had a good laugh.

Single Mom--So yah, Ted was at Dallas on business at the beginning of the week and now he's on retreat. Friday, Saturday and Sunday I have the following: A meeting with the principal and priest of our school and the other two marketing committee members to do our "marketing" homework, a dinner at my mom's, Sam's basketball game, Blue and Gold banquet (bring a lot of mac n cheese), Abby goes with Grandma Jane to see Ted at Candlelight and spends the night with Grandma, babysitter for Ben and Mary, Noon mass to welcome Ted back, and a CRHP meeting at MY house! Yikes. I'm sure it'll all go by quickly.

PTO--I'm so grateful that I got the VP to take on the Father/Daughter dance in April. I'm not in charge!! Yaaayyy!!! We only have a McTeacher night, Art Fair, and PTO meeting with the parents left, besides the dance. And of course we have prep for next year and we don't have a VP yet...but I will be D-O-N-E. I can't wait to be a regular mom fun as it was.

A Load a Day--It's my new mission. To put in a load of laundry a day, no matter what the size. I want to stay caught up. My neighbor inspired me because she made this change and seems so happy. She said putting it away is no big deal when you only have a load. I always thought that was inefficient. Why go to all those locations in the house for so few things?? Now I see it as exercise....and a chance to be less overwhelmed.

At the moment...that's all I can think of. Time to veg out in front of the TV. It's another long day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a feeling you would sneak in a post last night!!
I am so glad you did - it was great to catch up with what's going on for you!!!

I am not sure what is up with my blogging, it's so sporadic. But I am trying my hand at digital scrapbooking so I may have to post about that - if I can pull myself away from my digital scrapbooking software!

See you at the welcome back mass!!