Monday, December 10, 2007

Sick and Tired...but mostly tired

I've been in bed the past two days. It started out intestinal, but really I was just bone tired. I know it was a virus, but there was no fever...just lack of appetite and TIRED. It's one of easiest illnesses I have ever had. Of course, Ted would say differently because he took care of the kids the whole time. All I did was lay in bed, sleep, read and watched a little TV, when I had the energy. In fact, I started Eat, Pray, Love a few days ago and finished it today. What a pleasure it was to read a book, lay in bed, and sleep! Even if I was sick! And what a great book it was! I loved how honest she was throughout the book. And I found out that it's going to become a movie with Julia Roberts playing Liz! How exciting. That's a girl's night out right there!!

I'm also excited that she is writing another book. This one is on marriage. In many ways, we are totally different. She's a divorced world traveler with no desire for children. I'm firmly rooted in the family life and the traveling I do is mostly in the Midwest and in an RV. Yet in other ways I identify with her simplicity, honesty and search for herself. If I identified with her as a divorced traveler, how much more will I get from her book that's on marriage? Oh, if only I could ever hear what she would say about raising children. But that's OK. She must be her best self this way and I respect that.

The past couple of days, while I'm in my cocoon of my bedroom, I hear all the hustle and bustle of my family life going on without me. Does it always sound this crazy? Will Ted know what to feed them for dinner? I need to e-mail a request for help for the play Friday night. I hope the Treasurer got that big check signed for the Teachers Christmas gift cards! I got up and did some e-mails, but returned back to bed.

Ted took it all on. Sunday we had a Christmas function in which we were supposed to bring something. He remembered that I had mentioned making chocolate chip cookies and took care of that, plus got all the kids dressed and out the door. After dealing with the kids all day, he had to be there to the end to put them to bed. I know how exhausting that can be. Today, he stayed home from work, took Ben to school (only to find out it was canceled because of the ice storm), then made a trip to the grocery store to buy needed food and tonight's dinner. He drove carpool, picking up three other kids beside our own two, fed the kids dinner and took Sam to basketball. Later on, I shoved him out to the door to a scheduled Christmas party with his Men's Group. Poor guy. But, what a good husband I have. I love so many things about him, but this is where he shines...coming through when I really need him.

This is one of those posts that goes on and on...but I just I have to mention the Oprah I just saw today (I record wasn't today's Oprah). It was partially about the guy who wrote, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff". I read that book a long time ago and loved it. Well, I didn't know this but he died last year! He was only 45! Well, he wrote a long love letter to her three years before he died that was all about what he would tell her and do, if he only had one hour to live. Wow. Well that's now a book too. Then the guy who wrote Tuesdays with Morrie was on (These are all books Oprah has endorsed...which is probably why I've read them), and he wrote a book called "For One More Day" . It was about a man who was given one more day with his mother who was dead. Anyway, I'm sure it's another one I gotta read. Or I can see the movie Oprah made out of it.

Anyway, I'm hungry and tired. I don't think I'm sick anymore. Back to business tomorrow. No more lollygaggin' in bed. Darn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've read all of Mitch Albom's books, but I relaly liked "For One More Day". You'll like it too.

Glad you are feeling better!