Abby's First Communion went really well! She was chosen to bring up the gifts and I just prayed they wouldn't give her the wine glass! Luckily, an adult took up the wine and Abby got the basket. She's started her medication but it won't really be effective for another 6 weeks, when we ramp up to higher dosages. Until then, she will continue to drop and spill. The party afterwards was awesome. I couldn't have asked for it to go better. She explained to her Godmother when she dropped her card,"I have Absence Seizures and I drop things when I have them". She is so matter of fact about it. It's really cute. Abby's MRI is Wednesday evening at 6:30pm. I have to arrive at 6:00pm for the paperwork. A half hour of paperwork??? I asked what I could do to help make this more successful. I'm worried about her not being able to stay still for the necessary period of time. They said she could listen to a CD on their player. No MP3's. They said she could bring a blanket because the room is a little chilly and that one parent could be in the room. I can't wear any metal. I'll have to make sure I don't wear jean shorts that day (metal button). She said it is an open MRI. That's good.

Combining Abby's First Communion with Ben's birthday worked like a charm. Killed two birds with one stone. I don't think anyone felt cheated.
The day after Abby's First Communion, I was supposed to go to an all day crop with a couple of friends. We do it once a month at my single friend's house. No kids, no interruptions. It amazed me how unmotivated I felt. Then I realized, I was busy accomplishing and preparing all week for Abby's First Communion! I was TIRED. I did crop a bunch of pictures for my family album, but it was like...I hit a stopping point which felt like a brick wall. I couldn't motivate myself to go further. I called Ted out of boredom. He said, "Why don't you just relax and not feel like you have to accomplish anything? Maybe even take a nap on the couch!" That sounded good! I can't believe I had the guts to ask my friend if I could nap on her couch. I did. And it felt great. I was the worst guest. I left her all alone to do her crafts (our other friend couldn't come) while I slept on the couch. Ha. It was a beautiful day too. I think I would have preferred to be relaxing at home. It was so weird. I'm never like that. I'm always all about the task, and getting as much done as I can in the time period allotted. Funny.
Ben keeps saying, "When I go poop in the potty chair..." he fills in the rest of the statement with whatever he is desiring for the moment. Like..."When I go poop in the potty chair, I'll get a Spiderman race car!"...or..."When I go poop in the potty chair, I'll get a race car piggy bank!". Each statement either has "race car" or "Spiderman" in it. He'll turn 4 in 6 days and there are no signs that he is going to go poop regularly in the potty chair before his birthday. Darn. We are still pooping in pull ups. It would be nice if we didn't have to go into pre-school next year with pull ups on.
I'm so close to my Mom's Day Out, I can taste it. Unfortunately, it will be another day IN. Sam is sick this time. Three weeks ago it was Ben with diarrhea, the following Tuesday it was Mary with a fever and a vomit under belt, and now it is Sam with a fever. Granted, I'll still have the higher maintenance children gone at MDO, but I won't be free to run to the store or go to lunch with someone. Luckily, Sam will be very easy. I can handle fevers...better than puke.
1 comment:
I got here through a link and got "caught up" on your life right now:). Boy your kids are so big right now! I can't believe it! Hope all is well!
Maria (Lozano) Neels
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