--Sam and Abby just finished swim lessons. I'm so glad I did it. I feel like they are more ready for swim team now. They seem more confident.
--Sam has had about 3 piano lessons already. His teacher said he is doing very well. He's almost ready for the next level.
--Ben and Mary have actually been really good lately! This whole week they have been fairly happy and easily entertained. It's weird, because, so many things correlate with Ben and Mary's good moods: my mood, the cleanliness of the house, and how on top of things I feel. I can actually focus!!
--I got sick of waiting for a used refrigerator deal to "show up" so we went out and bought a cheap 16.6 cubic Frigidaire. I'm SO EXCITED!!! I have space in my fridge now!! For parties, I won't have to pack coolers of soda anymore, I can actually just fill the extra fridge with drinks! I can cook in advance for First Communion and not wonder where I am going to store everything. It was only $400 at Lowe's with a deal on free delivery. Can't beat it. Who needs to wait for a used one?
--My cut hand brought my cooking obsession to a halt. It is now mostly healed, but I can't seem to muster up the same enthusiasm I had before I got cut. I'm still cooking, but not trying a new recipe every day! If there is one thing I can consistently say about myself...is that I am inconsistent! One minute full of passion in one area...the next it is diverted to something else. Which is my next topic...
--I've gotten into sewing tote bags. It all started when I wanted one for myself. Then I thought they would make great gift items. I researched some methods on the internet and the same day made a run to Wal-Mart for cheap material...and voila!! I have two made already. Sew fun!!
--I went on my weekend get-away this past weekend to the Lake of the Ozarks. We had so much fun!! I bought four soup crocks, a couple of tote bags, "tip toe" socks (no heels), Bath and Body lotion, and Harry and David pepper and onion relish. Shopping was fun, but the best part was spending time with the ladies in my group.
--While I was gone on retreat...I got a new concrete driveway!!
My brother is wearing the baseball hat with a holes in his jeans. It was so exciting to come home and have the old asphalt be torn out and in it's place is a new, clean concrete driveway. It motivated me to clean up my garage.
--Oh yah, I picked out my suit from Lands End. I chose the periwinkle one. It's a tankini that comes with a skirt. It was so awesome to get free shipping, order three suits, try them on and bring the two I didn't want to Sears. She refunded my return on the spot. That's the kinds of catalog ordering I like to do!
--The countdown continues for Abby's First Communion. We are celebrating Ben's birthday on the same day. Only five more days!!
I think that's a good update for now. Hopefully, you'll being hearing more often from me. By the way, I drafted this on Thursday, but finished it Monday.
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