Friday, March 09, 2007

Mary Went Poop on the Potty!!

Wednesday...I was in my room with Mary, when she was complaining about poop. I thought she wanted a diaper change. I went to change her diaper and there was no poop. I immediately thought that the poop was bothering her and she still needed to poop. I asked her if she wanted to poop on the potty chair. She said, "Yes" I took her to the little potty. She grimaced and pushed and then stood up! She was done! Just like that! I praised her and her poop. "Great job, Mary!" Loud enough for Ben to hear. He comes in the bathroom to observe, along with our 3 year old neighbor from across the street. Mary seemed somewhat disgusted by the poop, but I'm hoping my praises dashed her negative thoughts. I had her dump the poop in the potty.

After success like this, I'm encouraged to put underpants on her, so I did. I asked her many times, "Do you want to go potty?". NO! And then of course, she peed in her pants. She's 2 years and 4 months. I don't feel a need to rush this. Sam and Abby both started training when they were 3 and they trained in less than two weeks. No pull ups at night. Ben has been much more difficult. He'll be 4 in May and is still not ready to poop on the potty. Mary has now pooped and peed on the potty. When we take showers together, I have Mary go potty on the potty chair before taking a shower. She goes every time. But sometimes, when I suggest it, she says NO. I'm thinking I need to pull out the m&m's. She needs more incentive. I'll probably do the full blown training either late spring or early summer.

Last night, Ted and I were talking and I told him I feel so close to edge of this toddler stage. So close to losing the diapers and wipes. It seems that when you get rid of the many other things go with them. Your child seems older, more capable and more reasonable. The naps soon fall away too, which may seem like a sad thing...but I look on it as gaining more flexibility. And I haven't had a break with Mary's naps anyway, because Ben has abandoned his naps for a while now. With young children, every year is a year of change. Ben will be in afternoon preschool next year. No Mom's Day Out. I'm sure I'll use that time for errands with only one little one child in tow instead of two. The following year will be the biggest leap with Ben going into full time Kindergarten and Mary into preschool. Wow. But now I'm jumping ahead of myself. I need to just take one year at a time...or rather one day at a time.

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