Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm OK

Guess who was sitting in the backseat, behind the driver. Me. The car looks pretty bad...huh. Well it took us all by surprise when we heard a loud crash. The sound gave me a headache minutes later. Other than some lower back aches and a sore neck, I was fine. Thank God! My parents didn't have anything wrong with them at all! I guess the big diesel pick-up just pushed us....really hard. The car took the brunt of the impact, so we were fine. I guess these automakers know what they are doing!

Of course, the next battle was figuring out how I was going to make it to pick up the kids. It was my "Mom's Day Out" day and I decided to go with my parents on their lunching outing for my brother's birthday. The lunch was great and the ride home uneventful, until my dad paused in his lane before merging onto the main road and then WHAMM!! Just like that, we were stranded on the side of the road with a totaled car (and the person who hit us parked behind us...boy is that awkward). Anyway, being stranded today is nothing like it was just 15 years ago, when we didn't have cell phones. We got busy calling the police, AAA, and Ted so he could come pick me up. After the police arrived, so did Knight in Shining Armor. He came in time to take me back to my car at my mom's, do Ben and Mary's pick-up, and then the carpool for full-time school. My dad stayed and waited for the pick up. I went home and slept for 2 hours.

My soreness has since gone away. I'm so happy I have a camera phone so I could also document the accident scene and send it to any person who might be interested...All from the phone!! Technology...what did we do before???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Missy!!! I can't see the picture (for some reason it's not showing up) but I'm sure it must have been scary if it was a big truck!!
I'm glad that Ted was able to come and 'rescue his beauty'!!
I hope you're not feeling stiff and sore. You'll have to tell all about it tomorrow night!