Thursday, September 07, 2006


I finally had my big meeting of the year. It's the only meeting I have to lead. We have 50 Room Parents and I would say about 30 made it to the meeting. Finally... the Room Parents have all been selected, notified and a Coordinator was chosen for each grade. The teachers have all been notified as to who their Room Parents are and now the work is in their court! I had to make 5o packets of information on everything they would need to know for the year...from honoring teacher birthdays, to classroom parties, to providing snacks for the faculty meetings. I have been focused on getting the Room Parents up and running and not much else. Hence, no blog.

Now I feel like the fun stuff is left. I help at all the events. Yes, I have to be there for questions...but really, most of these are answered by the teachers. I just feel like the hard part is over. It's a lot of work in a short time period. Now I can focus on other things: the house, getting the little ones ready for their first week at Mom's Day Out, practicing guitar for my CRHP retreat in October, playing with the kids.

It's been crazy around the house lately. PTO requires a lot of prep work up front at the beginning of the year. To give you an are the events we are holding this year:

Grandperson's Day - Sept 14
PTO Meeting - Sept 21
Family Trivia Night - Oct 27
Chili Kick Off - Nov 12
Book Fair - Nov 30 - Dec 7
Breakfast with Santa - Dec 2
Winter Carnival - Feb 3
PTO Meeting - Mar 15
Family Theater - Mar 17

This doesn't include a couple of McDonald's nights and Chuck E Cheese nights.

For all of these events, we had to find Chairs, pick the date and reserve the location (gym or cafeteria). We also generally talked about each one and how we could improve them from the year before. We've had about 3-4 meetings for this year already. Wow! I had no idea what went behind all this stuff! I feel so alive being a part of it all. I know that sounds cheesy...but ultimately, what this boils down a stay at home mom of four who had too much time at home to say "woe is me", is now "me is busy and loving it!". It's a good, healthy thing. I have another purpose that balances the one at home. I feel important, useful, respected and needed.

I'm finding balance. Isn't that the ultimate desire? I think so. The out of balance feeling is not fun. You feel like your being tugged one way when you really want to go the other. It's a constant struggle. When you feel balanced, there's a give and a receive. And they are you don't feel like you are teetering over. I think it's impossible to feel balanced all the time. Life is full of teetering from one side to the other. I think I'll enjoy my little peice of balance right now. :-)

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