Friday, September 08, 2006

Snapshot Thursday (on Friday)

What's at the top of my to-do list?
--Put the clothes and shoes in storage that the kids have outgrown
--Mail off a check for my crop weekend
--Sam and Abby are off school Friday...invite a friend for each to play with that day

What have I accomplished?
--Planned and led Room Parent meeting (wooo hooo!)
--Bought digital camera for school using PTO funds
--Made Dora and Thomas pillow cases for Ben and Mary's napmats
--Cut Ben's hair
--Cut my Mom's hair
--Painted chalkboard in the basement

What's bugging me?
--Ben wanting to be carried whenever he's scared. If we go to someone's house, he wants to be picked up because he's afraid they have dogs. I had to carry him all the way down the street to pick up the lawn mower. He's HEAVY!!!
--My dirty floors and carpeting
--My habit of wanting something sweet after the kids go down
--Ben's newly intensified fits that come at the drop of the hat. For example I put his spoon in the applesauce cup and he screamed at me and threw himself to the floor. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells.

What have I said I was going to do but I haven't?
--I keep putting off taking the outgrown clothes downstairs to storage
--Nightly Bible reading. I just want to veg out at night

What's my latest obsession?
--Lately it's been planning PTO stuff. It's always on my mind. Now that the meeting is over and expect it to slow down a little
--Mission Organization (TV show)
--Catching up on things I put off over the summer like cropping and cleaning
--Birthday shopping for Abby and Sam and some Christmas shopping...all on-line!!

What's been making me happy?
--PTO--feeling like I have fun things to plan and do
--Quality time with the family (went on a miniature steam engine ride along a river and bluffs, a couple of bike ride/walks through the neighborhood park)
--Ben and Mary are going to their first day of Mom's Day Out Tuesday...I can't wait!!
--Planned crop weekend in November and another one sometime between January and March. Time to catch up!!

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