Friday, March 17, 2006

My Chance To Be A Branch!

This morning I went to my sister's house with Ben and Mary. Her kids are off school today so I thought we could visit. I came home around 1:15pm and laid Ben and Mary down for naps. That was over an hour ago and Mary is still sleeping! Wooo hooo! I decided to do my prayer time right afterwards. Sometimes I will fit my prayer/reading time in the day if I get a good moment. Then it frees up my evening to spend more time with Ted. I just read Day 30 from my "Purpose Driven Life" book. I am SO enjoying this book. I'd recommend it to anyone! It's great for the person at the very beginning of their walk with the Lord or the spiritually mature person because we can all use reminders. I'm somewhere in the middle and I love it.

Today's message is "You are shaped to serve the Lord". I read the chapter (very readable, simple, short, but still meaty) and I underline all the major points. Then I take notes in a notebook, so I can look back on it in the future if I want to, and it also helps to cement the info into my brain when I write it. Here are my notes from this chapter (which I particularly liked):

Psalm 139:16--"Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."

"Nothing that happens in your life is insignificant. God uses all of it to mold you for your ministry to others and shape you for your service to Him.

God never wastes anything. He would not give you abilities, interests, talents, gifts, personality, and life experiences unless He intended to use them for His glory.

The heart reflects the person. Your heart reveals the real you--what you truly are, not what others think you are or what circumstances force you to be. We instinctively care about some things and not about others. These are clues to where you should be serving. Where does your passion lie? Don't ignore your interests. Consider how they might be used for God's glory. When you are doing what you love to do, no one has to motivate you or challenge you or check up on you. When you don't have a heart for what you are doing, you are easily discouraged. The highest achievers in any field are those who do it because of passion, not duty or profit."

This is an interesting topic to me. For a while now, most of my service has been to my kids. As it should be. They are a primary focus for me. For 5 years now I have been a full-time, stay at home mom. I've always felt that my time for "serving others" would be later, when I had more time. I just figured, whatever else I would do, would require me to leave the house during the day and that would have to wait til the youngest ones were in school. Just recently, I've been feeling a pull to do something now. Not in a big way, but in a small volunteering in the school library or something. Something to get me out of the house and helping the school or the church.

A couple of weeks ago I was asked something for which I wasn't prepared. My friends/school moms that I played soccer with, asked me to "run" for the PTO Vice President position. I say "run" because usually these things go unopposed...they are desperate. And just in case I had the inclination to get a big head over it, I found out I was not the first person asked...maybe even the third. Anyway, the President, Vice President and Secretary are all on my team and they are the ones who asked me. I responded, "I'll do anything that isn't 'President'. Does the Vice President have to become President?". They said yes. Hmmmm....this would mean I'd have to think about it. I have a problem (passed down by my Dad) that when I am asked to do something by someone, I hesitate to say no because it could be an invitation from God....especially ones that come out of the blue like this one did. I told them I would think about it and get back to them.

Why does God have to ask me something that is not totally in my comfort zone? I guess that's where true growth comes from...stepping outside of your comfort zone. I don't really ever want to be "in charge". But the more I thought about it...I felt I could do it. I feel, in a way, God has been preparing me for this invite. As stated in my blog from 1/10/06--"I'm ready to venture out more. I'm ready to feel more connected to my church and school. I just need God to lead me." He has.

This job would require one PTO meeting a month with the PTO board (Pres, VP, Secretary, Treasurer and the school Principal), and one meeting before each event. The main job of the PTO is to hold events that raise money for the school and bring together the families. There are about 5 events a year. The PTO is responsible for finding Chairpersons for each event and helping at each event. The events are on evenings or weekends. They are things like: Breakfast with Santa, Chili Cook-off, Winter Carnival (indoor games with prizes), and Halloween Family Trivia Night are the main ones. I'm emphasizing when the commitment is because it would be harder for me to commit to something that requires me to be away from home during the day. This would not. I would be able to help the school, learn how it functions on the inside, and meet a lot of people. This is a two year commitment starting next year. The following year I would be President. I would have a whole year to learn the ropes.

I decided to accept the job. It was made official at the PTO meeting last Tuesday. Originally, I said "yes" but was intimidated by it. They needed someone. Now, I feel like God is giving me peace. Not that everything is guaranteed to go perfectly, but I will have what I need to do a good job...and that I'll grow from the experience. That I will get to be a "branch" and not just a "trunk" (blog from 9/12/05). I will have a purpose outside of the home. I'm really looking forward to it! I would have never volunteered myself for this. I never would have considered myself the one for the job. I was asked. If I wasn't asked...I probably would have continued my safe life in the cave. But the cave is getting boring and I'm ready for a challenge. Did I just say that??

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