Tuesday, May 06, 2008

"I'll Get You Moving!"

The title of my blog cracks me up because it is actually a slogan of a Real Estate Agent in our area. She has this pasted on every billboard advertising her services. Whenever I see it, all I can think of is BM's. You know...bowel movements? Is this just me? Does everyone look at that slogan and think the same thing? Is she our enema in the world of real estate? Of course, our family has often been accused of turning every conversation into one about the bowels. I don't know how it happens, but it takes someone outside of the family to make us aware of it, because we are so used to it, we aren't even aware it's happening. So this may explain why I look at this billboard this way. And you have to admit, the topic of this blog somehow gravitates to poop more than I would expect. I really don't want it to. Can you think of a lower form of existence than poop?

The above paragraph I wrote a couple of days ago. I don't remember where I was going with it...I know that Mary was constipated and I had to give her a suppository and now everything is operating correctly. So I'm just going to post this and pretend it was a full blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think instead of Four In Tow you should call your blog A woman, her 4 kids, and a whole lotta poop!