--Find a veil for Abby's First Communion/ purchase stockings as well
--Prepare for Children's Liturgy that's this Sunday
--Catechist Seminar Saturday morning
--Find babysitter for Blue and Gold banquet this Saturday night (Cub scout awards dinner)
--Make a dinner or send gift card for friend who broke her arm and is a mother to SEVEN!!
What have I accomplished? Everything I accomplished was in preparation for that dinner party! --Furnished Dining Room!
--Got the Family room and Dining room carpets cleaned
--Re-upholstered a living room chair (and replaced the cushion) which had a tear in the seat! I kept putting this off...all it took was a dinner party!!
--Bought new knives since I swear I damaged some nerves cutting the Beef Wellington with a dull knife.
--Made reservations for a campground in Door County called Tranquil Timbers for our summer trip. The reservations were made for my parents, my sister's family and us. I'm really looking forward to it.
--I called our local community center for swim lessons for Sam and Abby. I need to make another call to complete the registration.
--Signed up Ben for preschool next year. I got afternoons instead of mornings...but I think this may work better for me anyway.
What's bugging me?
--I need to exercise. Ted's parents gave us their old treadmill. The thought keeps going through my head that Ted and I need to really make an effort and schedule exercise. I think it would work best after dinner. We each get a turn for thirty minutes. I've been using the kids as an excuse...but I'm thinking if I did it when Ted got home, it could work. I put on a pair of normally snug pants the other day that are now to the point of "uncomfortable". In my mirror I could see shadows of cottage cheese on my thighs. I need to exercise. I think it will give me more energy too.
--Mary's latest craze of walking around with a capless marker. She loves doodling in her notepad. I don't want to take it away because it makes her SO HAPPY. But I find myself cringing as she goes near my couch, bed or my books. I had to take it away from her when she wanted to jump on my bed and you would think I took away her lifeline! She ended up finding another marker to walk around with. They are washable markers...but still.
--Mary will not let me blog without sitting in my lap, with my arms stretched around her to reach the keyboard. She is with me right now as I type. And I have purple marks all over my arms from the marker she is wielding.
--Ben has decided to join me and Mary in the shower every morning so I now have a fuller shower. I guess I can be grateful my shower is big enough for a preschooler, a toddler and toys. It's quite the scene.
--I haven't increased my prayer time like I thought I would this Lent.
What's my latest obsession?

I've been thinking about soup. It all started with left over Gruyere cheese from the Beef Wellington dinner and I wanted to think of a good way to use it. Well, French Onion soup is topped with gruyere cheese. The problem is, I don't have those crocks to make it with. The soup can be made in a regular pot, but then you have to bake the cheese on top in little crocks that can go in the oven. I'm not going to rush out and buy crocks...but I don't want to let this keep me from making French Onion Soup! Another soup I'm dying to make is Baked Potato Soup. I have the recipe, I just need to make a meal plan and buy the ingredients. If I take out the bacon, both soups are great Lenten meals for Friday.
--This interest in cooking again. I've been watching the Food Network again (bits and pieces). I want to record a show but I don't know which one.
What's been making me happy?
--My lunch out with Ted yesterday
--Our date night last weekend when we saw the movie "Music and Lyrics"
--Warmer weather
--Looking forward to swim lessons and swim team for the kids. I went to my niece's swim practice last night and saw how proud she was and how much she enjoyed it.
--My Mom's Day Out. Totally. Love it. I will miss having one day free next year. Ben will be in half day preschool and I will keep Mary at home because they won't overlap much and would create more running around then it's worth. I think she'll be easier to run errands next year anyway.
--Ted recently received some great compliments from the VP in his department and the Regional VP at AT&T They both indicated see his potential for growth in the company. I'm so happy he has found such a great job!!
--We got our cable switched to the satellite company that partners with AT&T. Now we have a new DVR that allows us to use it on TWO TV's! We put the extra one in our bedroom. Now I can watch recorded shows while I fold laundry!
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