What's at the top of my to-do list?
--The kid's need to finish their Valentines
--Need to buy Abby's birthday gift for a party she's going to this weekend.
--Need to RSVP for a "Tastefully Simple" party Friday night that I can't go to.
--Need to paint Ben's room and Ted needs to replace all the almond switchplates (and wired piece underneath) with white ones.
What have I accomplished?
--I feel more "on top of" my house. It's not swallowing me up whole.
--I've had consistent nightly prayer time since my retreat. It's been awesome. I look forward to it! Many people think night time is the worst time for prayer, but I love it. I'm on a journey and I can't wait to see where God is leading me.
What's bugging me?
-- MarytookmyspacebarandnowIhavetofinishthisblogonmyothercomputer.
She's climbing everywhere. I have taken the chairs away from my counter so she can't climb up there. I'm on my computer again but Ted and I have rigged the spacebar to work again. I have to press really hard. I don't know what we did wrong, but it's very stiff. What do you use more than your space bar? Nothing! It's a pain!! I guess eventually, I'll get it fixed. I don't even know where to go. I bet you just take your space bar for granted...I DID TO!!! Not anymore. From now on I will give due respect to my space bar. OK..maybe not.
--The kids have knocked over my cheap Target lamps so many times, they are wobbly and one won't turn on anymore. ugghhh.
What have I said I was going to do but I haven't?
--Invite people over more. Haven't done it yet. It was a New Year's Resolution and it's now February with nary an invite.
What's my latest obsession?
-- In Missouri, you canunclaimedd money by going to "showmemoney.com". Ted's got a big, whoppin' $8.00 coming. It's on your State Treasurer's website. Find yours!!
What's been making me happy?
--My nightly prayer time.
--Being able to do things I wasn't able to do before. The kids are giving me more freedom. I actually cleaned two bathrooms in one day the other day! I used to not be able to leave them without them coming after me. Now they can entertain themselves better. Freedom to do things I want, makes me HAPPY!! Even if it's cleaning the house. It is so gratifying to me to keep my house clean and organized. I'm not saying it's like thisa lott, it's just what makes me happy. In fact, it's more often dirty than it ever is clean. But anyway, you know what I mean.
--I'm enjoying watching shows that I've never watched before. I was never a big fan of reality TV. I think a lot of it is staged or pretentious. But I am having lots of fun with two shows this season. The Batchelor and American Idol. I never was able to count on watching certain shows at certain times. But now that we have MOXI (DVR), I'm recording these (it's so easy too!) and I can watch them whenever I'M free, not when the show is on. I know lots of people have done this with their VCRs....this is not a new concept...But I always found it cumbersome to figure out when a show is on and to enter the start and end times when sometimes they have two hour specials or they'll have it on a different night. With MOXI, it finds the times for you. You just say you want everyone recorded. EASY!!!
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