Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Transformations of Spring

Last night I went to my CRHP group meeting, and at the "Good News and Intentions" portion of the meeting I shared something I've been thinking about lately. My good news was tightly linked with my intentions. My good news is that my two younger children, Ben and Mary, ages 4 1/2 and 3 respectively, are maturing beyond my imagination. They are more independent, better able to entertain themselves without my constant attention, and bringing forth personalities that are irresistible to me! I enjoy being around them! I'm also ending my PTO term soon...I will have more responsibility-free time!!

The change in Ben has been happening for a while, but Mary's is more recent. This is where my intention comes in...with this new found happiness in our household, I am finding myself searching for things to do and sometimes wondering how to spend my time. Inevitably, my old habits are still there of staying in the house and getting as much done as I can because time is valuable. I want to make a mind shift. I want to do take the kids out more and enjoy their company. It won't be long before they are in school full time. Yesterday, we went to Walmart to get some things I could only get there (it's not as convenient as Target is to me so I don't go there much). As we were leaving, I decided to check out the Subway that was in the Walmart to see if they had food for kids. They did! They had pizza! I told the kids to sit down while I waited in line...they did! As I waited, I looked over at them and watched them do something so simple that brought me great joy. Just the fact that they sat there quietly, happily talking to each other...was a huge deal. I savored the moment. When I brought back the food, we ate and talked. We were enjoying some time out together! I want to do this more!

As my PTO term comes to an end (14 days left, but who's counting), my mind will be freer in addition to my time. My other intention was that the new space does not become a dumping ground for anything and everything that comes along. I already see things sneakily seeping into that space. When I see them, I think, how did THAT get there...oh yah....I forgot I opened the door to that a while ago. They are volunteering tasks that are building up:
--I help with music at the monthly nursing home masses.
--I'm going to help coordinate the volunteers for the swim team this summer
--I'm helping with this big marketing effort for our school
--I told the principal to call on me this summer if she needs some administrative help

Now, before you say, "What is she doing??" Do remember that I really enjoy these things. I'm home full time and these activities are the playground for my brain! I just want to remember balance and not let them get bigger than my family and my priorities at home. As long as I'm not "in charge" and I'm helping the big picture...I'm happy and the job is more enjoyable. You'll be happy to know that I turned down a nomination for the school board. I'm trying to do things that I will really enjoy and not add anything that feels like a major responsibility.

My goals for this spring...take Ben and Mary out more. Take them to the park, the zoo, the mall. Pretty soon it will be dreadfully hot and we'll only want to go the pool. I just love the spring! The cool air that doesn't suffocate you, but allows you to breath freely! The sun that brings warmth that is just enough that you don't sweat. It's perfect for walks, bike rides and site seeing. I guess my life is going through a "spring" of sorts. The freezing air of my PTO responsibilities are blowing away and in it's place is a warmer, more refreshing air. The safe, but dark cocoon of this house is opening up because a butterfly is ready to come out! Make that three butterflies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I just love this post!!! It makes me think of our home life as well - isn't it wonderful to get outside??

We went to the zoo last week and I think we'll go again next week if it is still nice. Let me know if you want to meet there!