Friday, November 05, 2010

My Baby is Six

We just finished celebrating Mary's birthday party with family tonight. I can't believe my baby is six! I feel bad saying, my last two children totally stressed me out! I blogged during this time of total stress and it really helped....but it was very difficult for me. I thanked God for every major milestone they reached and prayed they would get older...FAST. Well, now they are 6 and 7 1/2 and things are much easier. They are all in school. I have a lot more freedom. I am happier. But it's odd....I now want to slow this whole thing down.

It was easier to wish that they would start eating table foods, learn to walk, talk or get potty trained. Before I know it, one is heading off to school and the other follows quickly behind him. And that's it. It all goes so quickly now! She's in Kindergarten, playing soccer, going to Daisy meetings and getting ready for cheerleading. What happened to the girl who clung to me and wanted to be held all the time? She's off with her own schedule on the calendar now! Ben and Mary used to just follow along while we ran ragged with the older two. Now they both have their own agenda full of games, practices, birthday parties and homework. Ugh.

This afternoon Ted and I went to the kids' parent teacher conferences. Four conferences scheduled in a row, one after the other. Kindergarten, 2nd grade, 6th grade, 8th grade...this year only. This is the only year they will all be at the same school. After that, it will all change.

Just like there was no "fast forward" when they were younger and I wanted to skip my way out of a difficult period....there is also no "rewind" to bring me back to those stages that slipped by me like a dream. For the first time, I want this train to slow down. I want to enjoy the ride. I want to hold them longer. I want to kiss them more. I want to relish every moment with them. This year she's six. Next year she'll be seven...and before I know it, she'll be packing up the car to head to college. I want to be a part of every conscious moment. I want to be fully and completely present. This is the only way I know to slow down this process. .

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