Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Snapshot

I thought I would write a "Snapshot" since it's been a while since I've done one.

What have I accomplished?
--I've cleaned up and reorganized my storage room and the unfinished part of our basement.
--I'm following Flylady and trying to maintain a clean house. It's so much easier than I thought it would be. It's the first time in a long time I'm selecting anything but "large" on the load size of my washing machine because I'm doing it daily. I'm even LOOKING for things to wash. For example, yesterday, I threw in some jackets for Spring.
--I totally cleaned out my Foyer closet. I don't even recognize it anymore! I found an idea on how to organize my hats, mittens and scarves and found an idea on-line:

I put this hanging organizer in my laundry room because my foyer closet is an accordion door. I love it! The little kids have their hats and gloves on the bottom and ours are on top. I love the way we don't have to go searching for mates anymore because it's all organized!
--Last week, I cleaned up the house and have maintained it. This may seem like a rudimentary idea for many of you, but for me it was an ideal I held for later in life. With Flylady, this means wiping out the sinks after you use them, making your bed as soon as you get out of it, continually loading the dishwasher as soon as you dirty a dish, not waiting for "laundry day"...but washing a load every day, and purging EVERY DAY in the special zone of the week. It has me so excited about keeping my house clean, I can't wait to wake up in the morning! I know it sounds corny, but feeling on top of this stuff is totally exhilarating. This is all great timing because I have 3 Fall birthdays coming up so the house will be ready for people to come over.
What is on my to-do list?
--Come up with a menu for Abby's birthday meal. Pasta, garlic bread and salad? I need something simple.
--Clean out Abby's closet. Store clothes she's outgrown...give away clothes I don't want to keep for Mary. Do the same with her chest of drawers.
--Clean out my closet and the clothing closet downstairs. Give away clothes I don't wear anymore!
What's bugging me?
--I need to focus on potty training Mary. It just takes a lot of attention and I'm a little distracted right now.
--The grass is really high and I need to mow it...but it keeps raining! But we need the rain so I don't mind.
--All summer long the rabbits ate my "Creaping Jenny" so they never creaped ANYWHERE. They never amounted to anything more than low buds.
--I bought "indigo" eyeliner from Mary Kay and an eyeshadow I don't like. I think I might take her up on her offer to return anything I don't like. I hate returning stuff, but you know what? She talked me into stuff that's NOT ME!! I was trying to stretch outside my box, but sometimes the box is there for a reason...years of doing the wrong stuff!
What's my latest obsession?
--PURGING and keeping the house clean!
What's making me happy?
--I feel like serving on the PTO this year and last year has really helped me feel important again. I have met and worked with so many cool people. It's kept my mind busy when I'm home all day. I have the whole school year ahead of me, but I feel very comfortable in the position and don't worry about it like I used to.
--Meal planning and Flylady. I don't have to think at the last minute about what I'll have for dinner. I have a plan for the whole month! Soon, I'll have to do my shopping for the next two weeks.

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