Saturday, August 18, 2007

It Was a Success!!

The Packet Pick-Up night just went great! Our Principal loved the slide show and said she wanted it at Festival of Ministries. That's where all the ministries of the church set up a table and show the parish what they do. We'd be representing the school. It was so rewarding to see it all come to fruition. As each thing goes well, I gain more and more confidence in this position. We got lots of volunteers, even for our new fundraiser the Father/Daughter Dance. It's wild to watch something start as an idea in a meeting and then you see people sign up for your idea that you have no idea what the full plan is...but you smile and talk about how great it will be. Actually, the Father/Daughter dance HAS to be a success. I saw the excitement of people when they realized we were having one.

This position on the PTO started in May, so really, I've been doing this planning for the year for almost 4 months! So when I think about it, I only have 8 more months to go! OK, that still sounds like a lot. But I feel the groundwork has been laid and now it's time to get on the boat...or it could be a roller coaster, we'll see. Just so you have a snapshot of this craziness...let me show you:
PTO Calendar of Events 2007-2008
5—Room Parent Meeting
13—Grand Person’s Day—Chair
25—Taste of J&A—Co-Chairs

1—J&A Night at Chuck E Cheese’s
9—McTeacher Night at McDonald’s
14—Festival of Ministries? Take turns after masses
27—Halloween Family Trivia Night—Co-Chairs
29-12/6—Book Fair—Chair
1—Breakfast with Santa—Chair
14-15—Eighth Grade Play—Cinderella—Committee
Classy Baskets at Play and Breakfast—Chair
Week of 17th...Staff Christmas Gifts –7am prayer
19—80’s Dance in Cafeteria--Committee
22—J&A Night at Chuck E Cheese’s
27-2/2—Catholic Schools Week
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon sometime this week

2—Winter Carnival—Chair
7—Send out PTO Scholarship form for 8th Grader
8—McTeacher Night at McDonald’s
17—PTO Meeting—Elect New VP and Treasurer
“Art Expo” sometime this month—Chair
26—Father/Daughter Dance in Cafeteria--Committee

All the places I say "Chair", it's run by a Chair...and everywhere I say "Committee", it's run by committee. And all the chairs are all now in place so that is a huge relief following the first feeling of panic when you get in the job. I don't know if you can tell, but I love two major parts of this job: administrative part and working with all of these AWESOME people!! Volunteers are the cream of the crop!

OK, I gotta go. Ben has a physical this morning and I have to get us both washed up! More later.

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