Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My Baby is Turning One!

This is my baby. Well...she's not much of a baby anymore. Babies drink from a bottle, don't walk, can't feed themselves and can't call for "Momma". They don't know how to defend themselves from big, toddler brothers, they don't have a favorite TV show and they don't have a bunch of teeth! What happened to my baby? My baby is turning one. She'll be one on November 2nd.

Meanwhile, I'm preparing for a party and thinking that's what it's all about. I'm NOT thinking about how my little, baby girl is becoming a full blown toddler with a mind of her own! That in one year she has gone from a blank staring baby with cradle cap to a beaming, walking, little girl who knows what she wants and whose personality is slowly being revealed like a blossoming flower.

She knows how to get my attention when I'm distracted (by screaming), she knows how to slow me down in my tracks when I'm running around cleaning the house (wraps arms around legs), she knows how to show me she's done eating (throws food on the floor), she can get me to put down Ben and pick her up (by crying louder than him), and she can get me to kiss her all over just by looking at me. All this started with a single cell. Amazing.

I feel like I've had so little to do with what she's become and will become. Yes, I know...I fed her, changed her, loved her and taken care of her every need. I just know that this is a small part compared to what her Creator has done. And I know that the plans God has for her are greater than any I could have for her. I know that who she becomes as a person will have not as much to do with me and more to do with who God created her to be.

This morning I greeted Mary with my usual shower of kisses and had a realization that she won't always be like this. She won't always be totally accepting of my shower of kisses. I look at Abby, and yes, she likes to snuggle, but she's always on the go! Her cheeks aren't as full as Mary's so they aren't beckoning kisses like Mary's are. She doesn't fit in my lap anymore and never requests to be there. She doesn't want to be held, but does like a hug and a kiss every now and then. I kiss Mary's feet because I love baby feet, but I don't think I would ever want to kiss Abby's anymore. And yet, Abby was once like Mary, couldn't get enough of me, never wanted me to leave the room and loved my shower of kisses.

I think I will treasure this time with Mary (and Ben). As I'm cooking this pot of chili for the party, I'm challenging myself to not just think about the party, but to think about my little ones who won't be little forever.


Anonymous said...

Missy, she is SOOO beautiful!! I guess I haven't seen her for a few months. I first thought she looks like your mom, and then I look again and she looks like Ted!

What a special milestone this is for her, although since she can't really reflect on it, I guess it's really more of a milestone for you. It's so nice that you've taken time to think about (and document!) all her changes. She is a very blessed little girl to have you for a mommy!


Missy said...

Thanks, Ann. Everyone is puzzled by who she looks like. I think it's Ted's side with the cheeks and pigeon toes. It's fun to hear other people's comments though. There could be some of my mom in her, because she had cheeks too! I guess we'll see as she grows up!