Before I totally dive into 2007, I'd like to review 2006. I did this last year and when I looked back at the year, I realized how far I had come. Let's look again:
--Mary is sick with a double ear infection and a bronchial infection. Went on antibiotics. Needed stronger antibiotic because it didn't go away on the first round
--My friend from Australia comes in to visit. We spend some time together.
--Ben continues second semester of Parent's Day Out
--I took the kids to Chuck E Cheese's for a PTO myself. First outlook of hope that I can take the kids somewhere by myself.
--Crop Day
--Women's Retreat--first one in two years without a nursing baby attending with me. Great retreat.
--Ted went on Men's retreat. I survived.
--Sam plays basketball...we can't keep Mary from running onto the court at every game!
--Sam and Abby help me volunteer for the Winter Carnival at school. It was a bonding event. I realized how we could do more things like this together. It was at the Winter Carnival when the PTO asked me to be Vice President next year. Why did I go?? :-)
--Mary is driving me crazy by climbing on my counter tops and pulling the keys off my laptop
--Read "Purpose Driven Life". This book changed my attitude of "victim mom" to an attitude of service. It shaped a lot of my decisions to volunteer at church and school (PTO, CRHP, Children's Liturgy). These, in turn, got me out of the house and made me feel I had something else to offer besides being a mom (which I still hold in the highest esteem)
--Read the book "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. It helped Ted and I speak each other's languages.
--Attended CRHP retreat. Decided to become a part of the team to give the next retreat and offered to lead music. This was followed by shear panic "What the hell am I getting myself into??"
--Officially accepted the position of VP for PTO for the next school year.
--Took the plunge into a skin care routine (Arbonne) which I eventually all but abandoned (besides the facial cleansing). The bottles now sit rejected in my cabinet. I've since put the facial scrub in my shower so I remember to use it. I've also dusted off my sea salt scrub and used it recently. The other stuff is sitting.
--Installed new doors upstairs.
--Turned 37.
--Went camping the week of Spring Break at Pine Lakes of our favorites. It was a great, relaxing trip!
--Drew up a plan for the basement. Got bids. Committed to finishing over the summer.
--Made the awesome decision to enroll Mary at Parent's Day Out with Ben next year and gain one day of freedom a week!!
--Sam and Abby enjoy a huge obsession with the membership website "Club Penguin". This lasts for MONTHS!
--Ben turns three and gets a "big boys bed"
--Start "talk time" with Sam and Abby to reconnect with them. We feel like they are strangers since our focus is mostly coping with Ben and Mary. Talk time starts when Ben and Mary go to bed.
--Abby's softball season begins
--Life becomes stressful with Ben and Mary being so high maintenance. Mary gets into everything and Ben has huge screaming, emotional meltdowns. Can I get through??
--We decide I'm sick of not having a wedding ring for 2 years and Ted starts putting away expense checks to save for the ring.
--Boycott is started at Becky's house because of horrifying experience regarding their dog playfully loving my two mortified toddlers. We cannot enter the house again as long as they have this "attack" memory of her dog.
--Girl's weekend to eat, sleep, talk, drink and do facials. FUN!
--Kids finish school
--Took a family trip to Gulf Shores. The beach was beautiful, but the scenery was stripped away by the hurricane and Ben and Mary were no fun. I dream of a vacation that actually feels like a vacation!
--Struggle with lack of computer time as all the kids dominate them. Ben is a new computer fan.
--Ben starts potty training.
--Camping in Eminence. Met up with friends from Men's and Women's group and their kids. Ben and Mary were much better and I actually had an enjoyable time! The kids had a great time together!
--A big storm left Ted's family without electricity. We house his parents and brother's family for about 4 days. I can honestly say I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the company. Too bad our basement wasn't fully finished yet. It could have even been better.
--Basement is finished!
--Kids go back to school
--Ben and Mary start Parent's Day Out...I totally enjoy my free Tuesdays!!!
--Carpool with three families. I only drive two pick-ups a week! Ted takes one morning a week. That's it!!
--Decide to help with Children's Liturgy at church. Sam and Abby agree to help
--Recommit to potty training Ben, Ben gets the potty part right...but still not poop trained.
--Spend lots of time on PTO and preparing for CRHP retreat.
--Ted goes on golf weekend with the guys
--Abby turns 8.
--Plan Jamaica trip for June. Secure babysitting for all 5 nights!
--Give CRHP weekend. Feel relief that it is over.
--Sam turns 10.
--Life seems easier. House seems more settled now that Sam and Abby are back in school and the first month is under our belts. We get into a groove.
--The day Mary celebrates turning 2, Ted gets laid off after 8 years at Charter Communications
--Cancel Jamaica trip (it was never booked)
--Go on Crop weekend. Get a TON done!! 534 pictures were put into albums!!
--Begin watching my new niece one day a week
--Mary loosens her obsessive hold on me. Begins to entertain herself more.
--Ted and I go on a Marriage Encounter weekend
--I search for the best homemade pizza dough and discover the bread machine!!
--Abby tells me she doesn't believe in Santa anymore
--Ted secures a job at AT&T!!
--I get a new wedding ring!
--We hold the annual Poker Night at our house this year for Ted and his friends.
When I reflect on 2006, I realize the strides we made with Ben and Mary. They are so much easier and this makes my life easier which in turn makes me happier! I feel like 2007 year will be a good year for us. I look at how much happened in 2006 and think WOW...look at what we did! Thank you, God, for being with me through the difficult times and helping me appreciate the good. You are awesome!
I'm a wife to my husband, Ted, of 18 years, and a mother to our four children: Sam (14), Abby (12), Ben (7) and Mary (almost 6). I've returned to work two years ago, after staying home full time with my kids for 7 years. I'm now working part time for a non-profit agency and thoroughly enjoying it! But life is crazy! I hope to share with you lessons learned, daily joys and frustrations, and reflections of faith.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
All Day Crop and Goals for 2007
I went to an all day crop yesterday at my friend, Anna's house. She is single with no children so we like to gather at her house to crop. We had a pattern last year that died slowly because she became busy at work. Now we have resolved to renew our focus on getting together to crop again. We have already planned January's date as well as February's.
Last night I worked on Abby's album. She was over two year's behind. I got one year finished! There is something very surreal about working on one full hear in her album. I went from the picture of her and Sam on the porch on her first day of Kindergarten to the picture of her and Sam on the porch on her first day of First Grade. It puts it all in front of you how fast they grow and that in one sitting I could glimpse a full year of her life. I look at those pictures of Kindergarten only two years ago and I can't believe how much she has changed in those two, short years. She's a young lady (OK she's only eight, but she acts like a young lady). She's into fashion, fixing her hair and playing "school" in the basement. She feels so grown up compared to two years ago.
Last night I worked on Abby's album. She was over two year's behind. I got one year finished! There is something very surreal about working on one full hear in her album. I went from the picture of her and Sam on the porch on her first day of Kindergarten to the picture of her and Sam on the porch on her first day of First Grade. It puts it all in front of you how fast they grow and that in one sitting I could glimpse a full year of her life. I look at those pictures of Kindergarten only two years ago and I can't believe how much she has changed in those two, short years. She's a young lady (OK she's only eight, but she acts like a young lady). She's into fashion, fixing her hair and playing "school" in the basement. She feels so grown up compared to two years ago.
Many things changed in the last two years. While dealing with a toddler, we added another baby to the mix, which turned our world upside down. I wouldn't change it for anything, but it was a difficult two years. Since our focus was on the younger children, Sam and Abby were forced to grow up quickly and take more responsibilities. I can't get those two years back...but I have already made changes that will shift the focus back to Sam and Abby. I've talked about some of what we've done.
--We try to have a talk time that happens after the younger ones go to bed. With the late night activities during break we got off track, but I look forward to resuming it when the kids go back to school.
--Sam and Abby are going to take swim lessons in the spring to prepare for swim team in the summer.
--Occasionally, we'll have a game night with the older ones after the younger ones go to bed.
--Ted and I take turns helping them study for tests. I really like doing this. I feel a bond when we spend that one on one time asking questions and helping them figure out ways to remember the answers.
--Sam is going to go to Cub scout camp this summer. He didn't go last summer because our vacation overlapped it by one day. While all the other boys were awarded fun badges like archery and swimming, he didn't get one because he missed the camp. I don't want that to happen again this year. Luckily our vacation will be later in the summer in 2007.
In 2007, I hope we feel more like one full family instead of a wrestling tag team taking turns with the younger ones. I want to find more activities we can share as a family. I want to push Mary's nap more so we can share more together. Some of the activities we did as a family were the most fun and gratifying of all! Like when we ate Cici's pizza and drove through Tilles Park to look at the beautiful Christmas light display, or when we camped at Pine Lakes Campground and took golf cart rides around the lake, or when me and the kids went with my parents to the Zoo, or when we took bike/stroller rides at Laurel Park and threw rocks in the lake followed by playing on the playground. I look forward to more of this. It's a challenge to find activities that all the ages in our family can enjoy, but it is do-able. It just takes some creativity and effort. With my youngest getting older, I'm finding more energy to work on these things.
Goals for 2007...
For the Family:
--Find more activities to participate in as a family. Be more flexible with Mary's naps in order to do this.
--Get Ted well established in his new job at AT&T. I hope he feels comfortable in the new environment, is successful, and gains new friendships.
--Catch up on all of my albums this year. With the scheduled crop dates with my friends and a continuation of my evening picture cropping after the younger ones go to bed, this will help me catch up, and stay caught up.
--Find more activities for Sam that get him off the electronics...piano lessons?, swim lessons, swim team, cub scout camp.
--Get out of the house more with Ben and Mary while the kids are in school. Go to the mall, the zoo, the park, to Grandma's house. Watch less TV and get OUT!
--Continue to "check-in" time with Ted at the end of the day to stay in touch and keep the communication lines open.
On the Home front:
--Break up asphalt driveway and replace with new concrete driveway
--Buy Dining room furniture for the Dining room
What were my goals for 2006?
"New Years Resolution:
1) Invite people over more often. I love my one on one time with my sisters or my mom. I want to have them over more.
2) Spend more quality time with Abby and Sam. We've started "Special Time with Mom" and "Special Time with Dad" where once a month each one goes out with one of us for fast food or ice cream. It's our time to talk and see where they they're doing. They often get lost in the Ben and Mary sea. We also started game night on Wednesday nights. After Ben and Mary go down, we play a game of their choice before bed time.
3) Read scripture calendar every morning. Digest the words, think about them.
4) Catch up on Albums"
Wow. Things haven't changed much!!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
A Snapshot
What's at the top of my to-do list?
--I just found out my father-in-law would like to hold a surprise 65th birthday party for my mother-in-law and we offered to have it at our house. In two weeks. Yikes! I'm trying not to look at my house and see all the things that need work (stained carpet, beat up baseboards, old closet doors upstairs we have yet to replace, switch plates (upstairs) that haven't been replaced to the new white, etc., etc.). This is my immediate reaction. But then I know that reality is, I see the flaws more than anyone else. We've done a lot to the house and their focus won't be on what we haven't done. Many of my mother-in-law's family have not seen the house. The first time someone sees my house is the time I'm most self-conscious. I'll make a small list of the most important stuff and then move on. Ted was going to work on the upstairs this week anyway. He only has a week and a half before he goes back to work and he decided he wanted to finish the baseboards and closet doors upstairs as well as the switch plates. I'll be fine with those things done. The stained carpet doesn't show up as much at night...and who really looks at baseboards at a party anyway?
--Ted has a poker night tomorrow night at our house. I need to grocery shop for ingredients for appetizers, and set up the basement with tables and chairs for the card games.
--I need to schedule dental appointments for Sam and Abby before they go back to school.
What have I accomplished?
--I bought 16x20 floating picture frames at Gordman's. $10 each!! What a bargain. I want to hang enlargements of scenery shots we've taken on our camping trips. I want my basement to be full of nature and not one picture of a person. I have enough pictures of family upstairs and they need a lot of updating. I'm constantly replacing them as the kids grow. I want one area to be timeless. Nature pictures never need replacing. I'm looking through all my digital shots on the computer and selecting my favorites. I'm also newly inspired to take more scenery shots. I didn't do much of them before because I don't really like them in my albums as much. I feel like people should be in my albums. Someone told me once I should have a separate album for my nature, scenery and animal shots. I've yet to do that. But with my new verve to take these pictures, I might need a separate place to put them.
--I did my after Christmas shopping and got great deals on gift items for next year! Target had all their gift items on sale 50% off. I bought a portable cooler/warmer that you can plug into your car, two disc shooters, and some thermoses...all for thirty dollars. I bought 4 packs of Christmas socks for the young girls in our family (each had four pair) for $3 each! I also got Christmas earrings, a sweater, a present tie on for 50 cents that looks like an ornament and a Kids Bop Christmas CD for $5. Claire's at the mall had 75% off all their gift items. I bought a pair of red slippers with a big white snowflake on the tops for Abby (it came with a decorative eye cover to block out light) for $4.50! I also got a couple of frilly picture albums for Abby's friends across the street. We'll copy picture of the kids together and give it them next year. I love doing this stuff in advance! I vow to buy my gift cards for babysitters and other teens early instead of waiting til November. Why not get them in June?? I like spreading out the cost of Christmas.
I also got Christmas cards and wrapping paper ready to go for next year too.
--Ted and I went shopping today and got him a couple of new suits for his new job. He has to dress professionally on all of his sales calls. Yuck. He doesn't seem to mind, which is good. We got about 5 shirts and 5 ties. It was fun!
What's bugging me?
--At this moment? Nothing. Let's treasure it, huh?
What's my latest obsession?
--Still enjoying the bread machine. I made rolls again when my sister's family came over on the 23rd. We had them with spaghetti. They loved them! I love my...I parent's bread machine. I ran out of yeast so I didn't make anything for a little bit there, but then I got two big jars on sale! I'm set for a while now!
--Finding pictures for downstairs to enlarge
What's been making me happy?
--I love having Ted at home. I'm really going to miss him when he goes back to work. It's made the holidays so much easier. I could run to the store whenever I needed to. I can take a shower whenever I want with no children joining me.
--I went to the mall with my mom and the kids and it was much easier than the last time I went. Mary didn't try to leave the play area and they didn't complain whenever we entered stores like they did before. We could stand in one place looking at clothes without a protest. I couldn't believe it. Is this what you have in store for me, God? If so, I think I've seen a piece of Heaven.
--I'm excited about Ted's new job. I can't wait for him to start and I will totally grill him every day wanting to know everything about it. I'm weird like that. Ted and I talk work all the time. I find it interesting and it's a life I never see. I just hear about it.
--I love having my new ring! I downplayed not having it for a long time until I started really missing one. I can't explain what it is...or how it feels. It just makes me happy just wearing it.
--My sister, Becky, watched the kids today while Ted and I shopped all day and ate out. It was so relaxing and enjoyable. She wants to do this once a month since I am watching her baby once a week while she works.
--My sister, Lisa, and her family made a spontaneous visit the night before Christmas eve. Neither of us had plans so they came over for dinner and hung out with us. I love having my family over. The kids run off and play together while we hang out and talk with a drink. My love language is "quality time" and this hits it on the button. I'm recharged by nights like this. It's what the holidays are all about.
--My brother, Josh, LOVED his album I put together for him! He cried. Giving is so much better than receiving!
--I'm looking forward to some social events coming up: Game night with our Men's and Women's groups, all day crop on the 30th, going to our neighbors on New Year's Eve, and a Trivia night with my grade school friends on January 6th. It's what the Christmas Season is all about, isn't it?
--I just found out my father-in-law would like to hold a surprise 65th birthday party for my mother-in-law and we offered to have it at our house. In two weeks. Yikes! I'm trying not to look at my house and see all the things that need work (stained carpet, beat up baseboards, old closet doors upstairs we have yet to replace, switch plates (upstairs) that haven't been replaced to the new white, etc., etc.). This is my immediate reaction. But then I know that reality is, I see the flaws more than anyone else. We've done a lot to the house and their focus won't be on what we haven't done. Many of my mother-in-law's family have not seen the house. The first time someone sees my house is the time I'm most self-conscious. I'll make a small list of the most important stuff and then move on. Ted was going to work on the upstairs this week anyway. He only has a week and a half before he goes back to work and he decided he wanted to finish the baseboards and closet doors upstairs as well as the switch plates. I'll be fine with those things done. The stained carpet doesn't show up as much at night...and who really looks at baseboards at a party anyway?
--Ted has a poker night tomorrow night at our house. I need to grocery shop for ingredients for appetizers, and set up the basement with tables and chairs for the card games.
--I need to schedule dental appointments for Sam and Abby before they go back to school.
What have I accomplished?
--I bought 16x20 floating picture frames at Gordman's. $10 each!! What a bargain. I want to hang enlargements of scenery shots we've taken on our camping trips. I want my basement to be full of nature and not one picture of a person. I have enough pictures of family upstairs and they need a lot of updating. I'm constantly replacing them as the kids grow. I want one area to be timeless. Nature pictures never need replacing. I'm looking through all my digital shots on the computer and selecting my favorites. I'm also newly inspired to take more scenery shots. I didn't do much of them before because I don't really like them in my albums as much. I feel like people should be in my albums. Someone told me once I should have a separate album for my nature, scenery and animal shots. I've yet to do that. But with my new verve to take these pictures, I might need a separate place to put them.
--I did my after Christmas shopping and got great deals on gift items for next year! Target had all their gift items on sale 50% off. I bought a portable cooler/warmer that you can plug into your car, two disc shooters, and some thermoses...all for thirty dollars. I bought 4 packs of Christmas socks for the young girls in our family (each had four pair) for $3 each! I also got Christmas earrings, a sweater, a present tie on for 50 cents that looks like an ornament and a Kids Bop Christmas CD for $5. Claire's at the mall had 75% off all their gift items. I bought a pair of red slippers with a big white snowflake on the tops for Abby (it came with a decorative eye cover to block out light) for $4.50! I also got a couple of frilly picture albums for Abby's friends across the street. We'll copy picture of the kids together and give it them next year. I love doing this stuff in advance! I vow to buy my gift cards for babysitters and other teens early instead of waiting til November. Why not get them in June?? I like spreading out the cost of Christmas.
I also got Christmas cards and wrapping paper ready to go for next year too.
--Ted and I went shopping today and got him a couple of new suits for his new job. He has to dress professionally on all of his sales calls. Yuck. He doesn't seem to mind, which is good. We got about 5 shirts and 5 ties. It was fun!
What's bugging me?
--At this moment? Nothing. Let's treasure it, huh?
What's my latest obsession?
--Still enjoying the bread machine. I made rolls again when my sister's family came over on the 23rd. We had them with spaghetti. They loved them! I love my...I parent's bread machine. I ran out of yeast so I didn't make anything for a little bit there, but then I got two big jars on sale! I'm set for a while now!
--Finding pictures for downstairs to enlarge
What's been making me happy?
--I love having Ted at home. I'm really going to miss him when he goes back to work. It's made the holidays so much easier. I could run to the store whenever I needed to. I can take a shower whenever I want with no children joining me.
--I went to the mall with my mom and the kids and it was much easier than the last time I went. Mary didn't try to leave the play area and they didn't complain whenever we entered stores like they did before. We could stand in one place looking at clothes without a protest. I couldn't believe it. Is this what you have in store for me, God? If so, I think I've seen a piece of Heaven.
--I'm excited about Ted's new job. I can't wait for him to start and I will totally grill him every day wanting to know everything about it. I'm weird like that. Ted and I talk work all the time. I find it interesting and it's a life I never see. I just hear about it.
--I love having my new ring! I downplayed not having it for a long time until I started really missing one. I can't explain what it is...or how it feels. It just makes me happy just wearing it.
--My sister, Becky, watched the kids today while Ted and I shopped all day and ate out. It was so relaxing and enjoyable. She wants to do this once a month since I am watching her baby once a week while she works.
--My sister, Lisa, and her family made a spontaneous visit the night before Christmas eve. Neither of us had plans so they came over for dinner and hung out with us. I love having my family over. The kids run off and play together while we hang out and talk with a drink. My love language is "quality time" and this hits it on the button. I'm recharged by nights like this. It's what the holidays are all about.
--My brother, Josh, LOVED his album I put together for him! He cried. Giving is so much better than receiving!
--I'm looking forward to some social events coming up: Game night with our Men's and Women's groups, all day crop on the 30th, going to our neighbors on New Year's Eve, and a Trivia night with my grade school friends on January 6th. It's what the Christmas Season is all about, isn't it?
Sunday, December 24, 2006
I'm not sure if I retained any of that because I'm not like that at all. I'm not always proper, I can say what's on my mind and see faces in shock. I used to smack my gum til the cows came home until I learned it was really irritating to other people. I'm honest, not pretentious. I'm simple, not fancy. My goal is to make people around me as comfortable as possible. This means I will happily tell you my shortcomings and try to downplay my gifts. I'm the only one who didn't get the jewelry loving gene. I'm satisfied with costume jewelry on my ears and wrists. I do prefer real gold or silver for the neck, but never wear it. And rings...well, I prefer the real thing. I knew when we finally replaced my ring, I wanted to do it right and spend the money to get something I really liked. I guess this is why I put it off. I wanted it to be done right.
Since we moved into our house almost three years ago, any extra money has gone into updating the house. We've done our kitchen, the 1/2 bath on the main level, replaced all the baseboards and doors, finished our basement, and painted the whole house. There is more to do. We need new heating and cooling, a new roof, and to replace our asphalt driveway with concrete.
I put off buying a ring because I saw many other places for the money to go. I was too stingy with myself. It took 2 1/2 years, but this year, I started missing my ring. I had a plain, gold band that served the purpose and kept me from feeling "naked". But eventually, my fat, stubby fingers outgrew it. I yearned for a real diamond again. A real statement of "I'm married!" on my finger. Then Ted got laid off. And actually it could be for this reason that it made it easier to buy the ring. How is that you say? Well, since he has a job secured and will start January 8th, we will have two paychecks coming in for six weeks. The extra severance checks were more than enough for my ring.
So there it is. Oh yah! I almost forgot. You might be trying to count the diamonds on the sides because I said I wanted two on each side to represent the kids. Well...I changed my mind once I saw the ring in person, I realized I didn't want anything to take away from the main diamond. I wanted that to stand on it's own. So there are five little diamonds on each side and NO, I will NOT have 10 children! (Note to God: Please don't see this as a statement challenging what you know is best for me...please don't teach me a lesson by giving me 10 children).
Now I'm wishing I didn't cut off all my nails to play guitar at Children's Liturgy last weekend! A diamond looks much better on a pretty hand! Lisa bought me a nail care kit so I worked on them last night. I'm ready to show it off to my family!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Job is Ours!!
This morning, Ted called the AT&T Director and told him what he felt he was worth ($8000 more than the offer). The AT&T Director then went on to tell Ted about how every job operates within a certain set parameters and then said, what if I were to add $10,000 to the base salary, would you take the job then? Uh....umm....YES!! Anything to the base pay is great!It's guaranteed money. In sales, you love a good base. It's security if the sales don't go well and commissions are low. We are closer to a better chance of making what he did before. That's all we wanted. In the ballpark...and we are there! We are patient enough to grow with AT&T. Charter's offer came in much lower ($10,000 less in base than before)...with the teaser job opening in a few months for a Sales Manager. Ted asked God this morning to make it obvious what he should do. When Charter's offer came in that much lower, he felt this was his sure sign to go to work at AT&T. We still don't know if he will start 1/8 or 1/15, but we can rest assured the rest of the Christmas Break that a job is waiting for him. Phew!
Thanks for your prayers. I'll write more later. Mary wants to be held....again....*sigh*
Thanks for your prayers. I'll write more later. Mary wants to be held....again....*sigh*
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
The Dentist and The JOB OFFER!!
My numb lip tingles with the beginnings of feeling. Yup. I had a dentist appointment this morning and I am DONE. Three is enough! I had to make trips to replace 3 metal fillings for resin ones. And the cool thing is, these are WHITE! But it was a painful, awkward process. Opening my mouth for that long and that wide is not my strength! They had gauze stuffed over here, and a big suctioner over there and the water sprayer as well as the drill. My mouth was not made for all of that!! Now my jaw hurts...but alas, I can eat again. Eating is very important to me. Do you know it takes 5 hours for this stuff to wear off??
Anyway, I've been remiss in updating you. The last you heard, my husband, Ted was waiting for a phone call came!! Yesterday, he finally got the call telling him that were putting together an offer for a "Senior Account Executive". HR called later to start the hiring paperwork. I think they are in a hurry to get this done before the holidays. Right now, as I type, Ted is talking in our bedroom where he is assured of complete noise control. Uh...the door is opening. I think he's done. Hang on....
OK...I'm back. Ted got a follow up call from AT&T with an official job offer. Finally, the day we have been waiting for has arrived! It's a solid offer with comparable pay to Ted's last job. Of course, when you are in sales, you have to work your way into decent commission. It comes in time. I think we are ready to make that sacrifice in order to gain the stability of AT&T. AT&T represents stability and growth potential. We were hoping for a greater base pay, but we are starting at a new company, with new potential. So it's worth it. Ted called Charter and now they are scrambling to get their offer on the table with AT&T's before he officially accepts it. Too little, too late. They want to hire him with the plan to promote him to manager when that position is ready. We weighed it. We really did. Nope. Goodbye Charter. How can you trust them anymore? Who knows what would happen?
So we're looking at a job that would start 1/8 or 1/15. Three to four more glorious weeks with Ted. But now we have the security of a job. Like I said, we'll have to work back into making the commissions he was making. There is no promise he'll make that same amount again. So, of course we are officially putting off our Jamaica trip til next year since we won't be getting very much vacation right away. We want to save our vacation for Door County in July.
One good thing we aren't going to sacrifice is my ring! We went shopping last Tuesday and I picked one out! New job at a new company, new boss, new ring...all in the new year! I hope this is where God wants us to be.
December 21...OK...sometimes it takes me a couple of days to write a blog. Sorry. Right now, Ted is again locked in our bedroom asking many more questions about the job. He's also going to ask for more money. If we're going to take a pay cut, it sure would be nice have at least less of one! I'll post this one and update later.
Anyway, I've been remiss in updating you. The last you heard, my husband, Ted was waiting for a phone call came!! Yesterday, he finally got the call telling him that were putting together an offer for a "Senior Account Executive". HR called later to start the hiring paperwork. I think they are in a hurry to get this done before the holidays. Right now, as I type, Ted is talking in our bedroom where he is assured of complete noise control. Uh...the door is opening. I think he's done. Hang on....
OK...I'm back. Ted got a follow up call from AT&T with an official job offer. Finally, the day we have been waiting for has arrived! It's a solid offer with comparable pay to Ted's last job. Of course, when you are in sales, you have to work your way into decent commission. It comes in time. I think we are ready to make that sacrifice in order to gain the stability of AT&T. AT&T represents stability and growth potential. We were hoping for a greater base pay, but we are starting at a new company, with new potential. So it's worth it. Ted called Charter and now they are scrambling to get their offer on the table with AT&T's before he officially accepts it. Too little, too late. They want to hire him with the plan to promote him to manager when that position is ready. We weighed it. We really did. Nope. Goodbye Charter. How can you trust them anymore? Who knows what would happen?
So we're looking at a job that would start 1/8 or 1/15. Three to four more glorious weeks with Ted. But now we have the security of a job. Like I said, we'll have to work back into making the commissions he was making. There is no promise he'll make that same amount again. So, of course we are officially putting off our Jamaica trip til next year since we won't be getting very much vacation right away. We want to save our vacation for Door County in July.
One good thing we aren't going to sacrifice is my ring! We went shopping last Tuesday and I picked one out! New job at a new company, new boss, new ring...all in the new year! I hope this is where God wants us to be.
December 21...OK...sometimes it takes me a couple of days to write a blog. Sorry. Right now, Ted is again locked in our bedroom asking many more questions about the job. He's also going to ask for more money. If we're going to take a pay cut, it sure would be nice have at least less of one! I'll post this one and update later.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Another Update
Ted just called from his car about his "interview" with his old cable company job...wait a minute...let's just scrap the "old cable company" bit. It's getting tiring. It's CHARTER. Anyway, the job at Charter was officially offered to him. We knew this was coming it just took a very long time. Our safety net has arrived...but we're holding out for AT&T. His friend, Jeff, who interviewed him, has been updated about AT&T and knows Ted is waiting to hear from them. Jeff also told him that a contractor who works for Comcast (#2 in the cable industry) would love to hire Jeff and Ted to run the MDU side of the company (multi-unit dwellings). He offered a much higher pay. It's nice to know about...but working for a contractor feels less secure than the company itself. It would mean more travel since they don't have a strong presence in this region and this job would be nationwide. We're holding out for AT&T. I'll let you know as soon as I hear any news.
Forgot to Mention
Ted just found out that that many of the remaining Directors at his old company have been demoted to Managers. One of them is calling him to see how his job search is going with AT&T....she is looking for a job now. It's just not a good place to be. I'm glad he got out when he did.
Dentists, Mom's Day Out, Poop, and Employment
I just went to the dentist this morning to get a couple of old metal fillings replaced with pretty white ones. They were in bad shape and starting to crack so it needed to be done. I'm glad to get two of them out of the way (one more to go), but I feel like I was in a fight! My lip feels swollen but when I look in the mirror, there is no tell-tale sign of the discomfort I feel. I have a small mouth and my jaw was not made to open that wide for long periods of time! Not only that, but I can't feel the left side of my face and I keep crunching accidentally on my lip. Yes, I can't feel it now, but I'm sure it will not feel great when the feeling comes back. My appointment was at 8:45 and now it is almost 5 hours later. Ughh. I guess I'd rather be numb for hours than not have enough of that numbing juice. I've been there before and it's NO picnic! I remember my dental visits as a youth were filled with dread. I always felt shots of pain as he drilled over sensitive nerves. My current dentist does not have the problem of under numbing. He's a good number. Get it?'s hurts to laugh.
On to other topics...yesterday was Parent's Day Out and it was a dream day. Ted helped me as I scrambled to get the little ones out the door and... oh how I will miss him when he goes back to work. Once we dropped them off we came back home and cleaned up the house, folded laundry, wrapped presents, went out to lunch, came back continued wrapping until HE went to get the little ones from MDO and the older ones from school. This gave me an extra hour to wrap and the presents are FINISHED!! When he got home, Becky, my sister arrived with her baby which HE watched while we went shopping and out to eat together. Does that not sound like a dream day to you?? I floated on air when I got back. Ted was not floating, however. He was DOA on the couch because the little ones were NOT particularly good. I showered him with appreciation and love. I was so grateful for the gift that the day was. I know I will not have this kind of help forever. He's getting very close to nabbing a job with AT&T. We hope to hear more about the job that is available by tomorrow or Friday. Today he's meeting with his old job to discuss the position available there.
One thing that has happened from Ted being home is his appreciation of what I deal with in a day. I try to describe it to him, but nothing is like experiencing it for yourself. Now he understands how I can be fine in one conversation and crazy in the next. Obviously, it's not all bad, but lately things have been more difficult with Mary. She is a force to reckon with. She gets into and destroys everything. It's hard to keep up with her. When Ted and I came back to house after dropping off the kids at PDO, I spent the first 45 minutes just cleaning up messes she made with game pieces and other disasters she created around the house. I sure will miss him. Ted has cleaned half (or more than half) of Ben's poops (which I contemplating diaper training him on the poops so we don't have to go through this mess every other day). Ben is still not poop trained and it's getting old. Some people say they will just decide one day to do it. When will that day be? Will it come with an announcement?? For now, he continues to just walk in the room like a penguin with a load in his pants, and we have to delicately pull down wet pants wrapping a fine package of poop. This too shall pass. Until then, I will appreciate all the help I have dealing with it right now. I think come January 2nd, Ted will be employed. Let's hope and pray.
On to other topics...yesterday was Parent's Day Out and it was a dream day. Ted helped me as I scrambled to get the little ones out the door and... oh how I will miss him when he goes back to work. Once we dropped them off we came back home and cleaned up the house, folded laundry, wrapped presents, went out to lunch, came back continued wrapping until HE went to get the little ones from MDO and the older ones from school. This gave me an extra hour to wrap and the presents are FINISHED!! When he got home, Becky, my sister arrived with her baby which HE watched while we went shopping and out to eat together. Does that not sound like a dream day to you?? I floated on air when I got back. Ted was not floating, however. He was DOA on the couch because the little ones were NOT particularly good. I showered him with appreciation and love. I was so grateful for the gift that the day was. I know I will not have this kind of help forever. He's getting very close to nabbing a job with AT&T. We hope to hear more about the job that is available by tomorrow or Friday. Today he's meeting with his old job to discuss the position available there.
One thing that has happened from Ted being home is his appreciation of what I deal with in a day. I try to describe it to him, but nothing is like experiencing it for yourself. Now he understands how I can be fine in one conversation and crazy in the next. Obviously, it's not all bad, but lately things have been more difficult with Mary. She is a force to reckon with. She gets into and destroys everything. It's hard to keep up with her. When Ted and I came back to house after dropping off the kids at PDO, I spent the first 45 minutes just cleaning up messes she made with game pieces and other disasters she created around the house. I sure will miss him. Ted has cleaned half (or more than half) of Ben's poops (which I contemplating diaper training him on the poops so we don't have to go through this mess every other day). Ben is still not poop trained and it's getting old. Some people say they will just decide one day to do it. When will that day be? Will it come with an announcement?? For now, he continues to just walk in the room like a penguin with a load in his pants, and we have to delicately pull down wet pants wrapping a fine package of poop. This too shall pass. Until then, I will appreciate all the help I have dealing with it right now. I think come January 2nd, Ted will be employed. Let's hope and pray.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Bits and Pieces
Job Search--Good news on the job search. Ted called back the guys who most recently interviewed him from AT&T. Technically, Ted interviewed for a totally different job, but at the end of the interview, one of the guys told him about a job they had that they were still working out, but would be a management position which would oversee that sales force to apartment complexes as well as the sales positions which would negotiate contracts with the apartment complex owners. This position is very similar to the one Ted had at the previous cable company, except this one, at this time, mainly focuses on long distance and internet...eventually cable will be a part of the package. So anyway, he called back and the Director said they are VERY interested in him for this newly created job! He said "VERY interested" a couple of times in the conversation! Ted asked when he would find out more about the job (pay, etc). He said definitely by the end of the week. They were still figuring out structure and who would report to whom. Right now, all of these people (10?) are reporting to the director. We are really excited...cautiously, of course. In management positions you can count on a higher base pay balanced by a lower "at risk" amount... or "commission", so you don't have these volatile pay checks that are hard to budget on.
Mary's Portraits--I took Mary to get her two year old portraits taken. Am I always going to look on these milestones with a mixture of happiness and dread? My baby is two...and has been for about 6 weeks now...but the pictures solidified the deal! *sigh*. On they show you all of your sessions on one page, so you have to look at your child growing up right before your eyes. I'm a happier person now that she is getting older, but at the same time I have my finger hovering over the "slow motion" button getting ready to let the good stuff last longer. I love the 3-5 age and I know that Ben and Mary are going to grow up all too fast for me.
REAP Benefit concert-- My brother-in-law is the coordinator of a retreat ministry for youth in the St. Louis Catholic Archdiocese. He oversees a large group of volunteers, young and old to do primarily confirmation retreats, but he does about everything else (First Communion retreats, high school retreats, retreats for convents, teachers, etc.). Anyway, he and his assistant organized a benefit concert for the REAP team. They rented out a local highschool theater and showcased a young Catholic talent named Adam Bitter. The seats were filled with highschoolers that I pray will be my kids someday. You could tell they were many Life Teen youth groups in the crowd and also some families. We brought Sam and Abby and got a babysitter for Ben and Mary. I'm so glad we went because my kids got to see a whole different side of their faith! Young people were clapping, singing along and some were raising their hands in the spirit of the loud, Christian music playing before them. It was very cool. During a break, there was a witness by a REAP team member that was a midget. It was such a powerful witness on God's love and her doubt of it when she was younger when people made fun of her. She was inspired by a REAP retreat that she went on and her life began to change. A year later, she felt like God was calling her to serve on the REAP team and now she is a very powerful witnesser to God's love! And my kids got to hear her talk! Most of the stuff Ted and I go to, we don't take the kids: Men's group, Women's group and other faith events, so they don't see a whole side of who we are. They got a glimpse the other night. Would you believe my kids were raising their hands during one song?? I know they don't know what they were really doing, they just were following others...but it was a pure delight for me and Ted. They sat with their cousins and we sat at an upper level behind them. I wonder if that's a little of how God feels when He sees us making progress on earth. Delight. I hope so. Here is the website for the REAM team...check it out!!
Sam is Crying--A weird topic, I know. But he is crying in bed right now. He's upset because I took all electronic and gaming privileges away for two days because he got his name on the board. It's not the only time. He has a problem of talking in class. He always tells me that so 'n so said something to him first and he was responding. Hmmmm. One thing I don't like is the teacher's method of putting the names on board. She says, "If you were talking, come put your name on the board". I don't like that. It's like punishing the honest kids because Sam is always honest. Obviously he should be punished for talking...but SHE should have the guts to put his name on the board, not make Sam do it. He'll survive. Now he's whaling. I remember crying into my pillow. I just knew I was worst off child in the world and everyone else had it better. I can't be his best friend all the time and make it go away. Sometimes I think you have to let them feel the pain. After all, he's gotten his name on the board (or he PUT his name on the board) about 3 times in the last 3 weeks. Not good.
Mary's Portraits--I took Mary to get her two year old portraits taken. Am I always going to look on these milestones with a mixture of happiness and dread? My baby is two...and has been for about 6 weeks now...but the pictures solidified the deal! *sigh*. On they show you all of your sessions on one page, so you have to look at your child growing up right before your eyes. I'm a happier person now that she is getting older, but at the same time I have my finger hovering over the "slow motion" button getting ready to let the good stuff last longer. I love the 3-5 age and I know that Ben and Mary are going to grow up all too fast for me.
REAP Benefit concert-- My brother-in-law is the coordinator of a retreat ministry for youth in the St. Louis Catholic Archdiocese. He oversees a large group of volunteers, young and old to do primarily confirmation retreats, but he does about everything else (First Communion retreats, high school retreats, retreats for convents, teachers, etc.). Anyway, he and his assistant organized a benefit concert for the REAP team. They rented out a local highschool theater and showcased a young Catholic talent named Adam Bitter. The seats were filled with highschoolers that I pray will be my kids someday. You could tell they were many Life Teen youth groups in the crowd and also some families. We brought Sam and Abby and got a babysitter for Ben and Mary. I'm so glad we went because my kids got to see a whole different side of their faith! Young people were clapping, singing along and some were raising their hands in the spirit of the loud, Christian music playing before them. It was very cool. During a break, there was a witness by a REAP team member that was a midget. It was such a powerful witness on God's love and her doubt of it when she was younger when people made fun of her. She was inspired by a REAP retreat that she went on and her life began to change. A year later, she felt like God was calling her to serve on the REAP team and now she is a very powerful witnesser to God's love! And my kids got to hear her talk! Most of the stuff Ted and I go to, we don't take the kids: Men's group, Women's group and other faith events, so they don't see a whole side of who we are. They got a glimpse the other night. Would you believe my kids were raising their hands during one song?? I know they don't know what they were really doing, they just were following others...but it was a pure delight for me and Ted. They sat with their cousins and we sat at an upper level behind them. I wonder if that's a little of how God feels when He sees us making progress on earth. Delight. I hope so. Here is the website for the REAM team...check it out!!
Sam is Crying--A weird topic, I know. But he is crying in bed right now. He's upset because I took all electronic and gaming privileges away for two days because he got his name on the board. It's not the only time. He has a problem of talking in class. He always tells me that so 'n so said something to him first and he was responding. Hmmmm. One thing I don't like is the teacher's method of putting the names on board. She says, "If you were talking, come put your name on the board". I don't like that. It's like punishing the honest kids because Sam is always honest. Obviously he should be punished for talking...but SHE should have the guts to put his name on the board, not make Sam do it. He'll survive. Now he's whaling. I remember crying into my pillow. I just knew I was worst off child in the world and everyone else had it better. I can't be his best friend all the time and make it go away. Sometimes I think you have to let them feel the pain. After all, he's gotten his name on the board (or he PUT his name on the board) about 3 times in the last 3 weeks. Not good.
Friday, December 08, 2006
A Snapshot
What's at the top of my to-do list?
--Get ready for niece's baptism: wrap gift, buy ingredients for artichoke dip, buy ice cream, select clothes for kids to wear
--Call Abby's friend to see if she can come over Saturday
--Stuff Christmas cards with pictures and send out in the mail
What have I accomplished?
--Finished most of my shopping. I have two gifts left.
--Went on Marriage Encounter. It was a great weekend. We enjoyed the uninterrupted time together. We did a lot of listening, a lot of writing, and some discussing. One thing that we realized is that we keep pretty open communication and there were no hidden surprises. However, I think we could easily improve on keeping regular communication and putting our marriage first...really making it a priority. We decided to do no TV after the kids go down until we had connected first. Marriage Encounter teaches ways to describe your feelings. They encourage 10 minutes of writing every day followed by 10 minutes of sharing on what you wrote and discussing it. We realized that this wasn't totally our style. We just preferred to get to the discussing part...however, every now and then when there is a major feeling or hurt to discuss, we agreed that writing it first might be helpful. But for the day to day, it would feel like a waste of time. Me, being one that likes to have some structure to follow, decided to come up with a list of questions (kind of like my "snapshot"). Questions help give me direction as to what to talk about. That's why I use them on my snapshot. Here are the following questions that we "check in" with each other every night:
**What was the best part of your day?
**What was the worst part of your day?
**What's bugging you? (This captures all anxieties, worries or stresses...big or small)
**Have I done something to frustrate you? (A hard one to ask but makes you more aware of how your actions affect the other person)
**What do you want to accomplish tomorrow? (Makes you come up with a plan or goal for the next day, and lets your spouse know so they can help you make sure it's accomplished)
**What do you want to accomplish this week?
**What do you look forward to? (Gives a hint as to what makes you happy)
We even ask some of these questions with Sam and Abby before they go to the first three and maybe the last one. By asking Abby what was bugging her, I found out that she felt like one of her friends preferred another girl over her and started tearing up. Because I had taken the time to talk to her, I was able to help her. She said that since this girl is no longer in her class, she doesn't feel like they are very good friends anymore. I asked her if she wanted to have her over to play. She immediately cheered up and said, "Yes!" All is well. I feel that answering these questions daily helps any problems to be taken care of before they become bigger. When we used to watch TV after the kids went down, it just put off my thinking until we hit the bed. When I tried to discuss problems then, we were tired and crabby and sometimes it would end in frustration instead of peace. So far this is working well. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope we can stick with it. We've been doing the "talk time" with Sam and Abby for a couple of weeks now and they love it.
What's bugging me?
--Burnt cookies. I left some cookies on the bottom rack and they burnt. Now I have to cook more for my cookie exchange. :-(
What have I said I was going to do but I haven't?
--Crop in the evenings. We're talking now! Argghh! How do you fit it all in? I have an all day crop scheduled for 12/30. Hopefully that will help.
What's my latest obsession?
--Who has time for obsessions? I have to get ready for Christmas!
What's been making me happy?
--Taking the time to be "present" daily to Ted and the kids.
--Having Ted around.
--Watching Ted's progress on the job search front. He has had a total of five interviews in the last couple of weeks. Of the five, he let one company know he wasn't interested in further interviews (telecommunications company that has been bankrupt twice), the other four happened in the last 7 days and he is waiting for them to interview other people. Some of them he found out before they were even posted! All the interviews went really well. Hopefully, at least one of them will "stick". I'll keep you updated.
--Abby doesn't believe in Santa anymore. Sadly, most of it is my fault. Last year she found a present that said, "To Ted, From Missy", but the "Missy" was crossed off and "Santa" was written beside it. Oops.
--Ted just talked to a fellow laid off co-worker who is on vacation in Colorado skiing with his family! Ted was so jealous. "Isn't he worried about getting a job??", I asked. But, he was a Director and got a better severance package than we did, plus, his salary was a lot higher than ours and didn't depend as much on commission. Ted's pay right now is about half of what he is used to because it is only his base and includes no commission. We never lived up to his pay because we never counted on all the commission...we never knew what was coming from one paycheck to the next. So we are doing fine. Ted is saving a lot on gas and from eating in instead of out. We as a family are eating in more and watching our entertainment expenses (where we can tend to spend a lot). HOWEVER, it IS tempting to do something as a family when we find out he has the security of a job. One of the jobs would not start until January 15. Where do you go when you are experiencing frigid weather?? I wish this was happening at a different time. There IS Christmas break coming up.....hmmmm.
--Get ready for niece's baptism: wrap gift, buy ingredients for artichoke dip, buy ice cream, select clothes for kids to wear
--Call Abby's friend to see if she can come over Saturday
--Stuff Christmas cards with pictures and send out in the mail
What have I accomplished?
--Finished most of my shopping. I have two gifts left.
--Went on Marriage Encounter. It was a great weekend. We enjoyed the uninterrupted time together. We did a lot of listening, a lot of writing, and some discussing. One thing that we realized is that we keep pretty open communication and there were no hidden surprises. However, I think we could easily improve on keeping regular communication and putting our marriage first...really making it a priority. We decided to do no TV after the kids go down until we had connected first. Marriage Encounter teaches ways to describe your feelings. They encourage 10 minutes of writing every day followed by 10 minutes of sharing on what you wrote and discussing it. We realized that this wasn't totally our style. We just preferred to get to the discussing part...however, every now and then when there is a major feeling or hurt to discuss, we agreed that writing it first might be helpful. But for the day to day, it would feel like a waste of time. Me, being one that likes to have some structure to follow, decided to come up with a list of questions (kind of like my "snapshot"). Questions help give me direction as to what to talk about. That's why I use them on my snapshot. Here are the following questions that we "check in" with each other every night:
**What was the best part of your day?
**What was the worst part of your day?
**What's bugging you? (This captures all anxieties, worries or stresses...big or small)
**Have I done something to frustrate you? (A hard one to ask but makes you more aware of how your actions affect the other person)
**What do you want to accomplish tomorrow? (Makes you come up with a plan or goal for the next day, and lets your spouse know so they can help you make sure it's accomplished)
**What do you want to accomplish this week?
**What do you look forward to? (Gives a hint as to what makes you happy)
We even ask some of these questions with Sam and Abby before they go to the first three and maybe the last one. By asking Abby what was bugging her, I found out that she felt like one of her friends preferred another girl over her and started tearing up. Because I had taken the time to talk to her, I was able to help her. She said that since this girl is no longer in her class, she doesn't feel like they are very good friends anymore. I asked her if she wanted to have her over to play. She immediately cheered up and said, "Yes!" All is well. I feel that answering these questions daily helps any problems to be taken care of before they become bigger. When we used to watch TV after the kids went down, it just put off my thinking until we hit the bed. When I tried to discuss problems then, we were tired and crabby and sometimes it would end in frustration instead of peace. So far this is working well. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope we can stick with it. We've been doing the "talk time" with Sam and Abby for a couple of weeks now and they love it.
What's bugging me?
--Burnt cookies. I left some cookies on the bottom rack and they burnt. Now I have to cook more for my cookie exchange. :-(
What have I said I was going to do but I haven't?
--Crop in the evenings. We're talking now! Argghh! How do you fit it all in? I have an all day crop scheduled for 12/30. Hopefully that will help.
What's my latest obsession?
--Who has time for obsessions? I have to get ready for Christmas!
What's been making me happy?
--Taking the time to be "present" daily to Ted and the kids.
--Having Ted around.
--Watching Ted's progress on the job search front. He has had a total of five interviews in the last couple of weeks. Of the five, he let one company know he wasn't interested in further interviews (telecommunications company that has been bankrupt twice), the other four happened in the last 7 days and he is waiting for them to interview other people. Some of them he found out before they were even posted! All the interviews went really well. Hopefully, at least one of them will "stick". I'll keep you updated.
--Abby doesn't believe in Santa anymore. Sadly, most of it is my fault. Last year she found a present that said, "To Ted, From Missy", but the "Missy" was crossed off and "Santa" was written beside it. Oops.
--Ted just talked to a fellow laid off co-worker who is on vacation in Colorado skiing with his family! Ted was so jealous. "Isn't he worried about getting a job??", I asked. But, he was a Director and got a better severance package than we did, plus, his salary was a lot higher than ours and didn't depend as much on commission. Ted's pay right now is about half of what he is used to because it is only his base and includes no commission. We never lived up to his pay because we never counted on all the commission...we never knew what was coming from one paycheck to the next. So we are doing fine. Ted is saving a lot on gas and from eating in instead of out. We as a family are eating in more and watching our entertainment expenses (where we can tend to spend a lot). HOWEVER, it IS tempting to do something as a family when we find out he has the security of a job. One of the jobs would not start until January 15. Where do you go when you are experiencing frigid weather?? I wish this was happening at a different time. There IS Christmas break coming up.....hmmmm.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
In Search of the Best Homemade Pizza
One of my latest crazes has been searching for the best homemade pizza. I decided that since most of my kids were picky eaters, and the whole family agrees on pizza, that I should try to learn how to make it myself. In the past I have made the Chef Boyardee pizzas and have bought pre-made pizza dough from Trader Joe's in addition to, of course, order out. I love Pizza Hut pan crust, but with our budget food days, it's not a good idea. The Chef Boyardee is good, and Trader Joe's is even butter, but I really wanted to learn how to do it myself.
My first attempt ended on a sour note. I was prepared enough to have my yeast, but forgot the pizza sauce and used spaghetti sauce instead. I also only had regular flour, and pre-shredded, bagged mozzarella cheese. Never use spaghetti sauce instead of pizza sauce! It did NOT have enough flavor. The cheese was dry and bland and ditto for the dough. The kids ate it, but not enthusiastically. It was too chewy.
My second attempt was much better! I used bread flour and block mozzarella cheese which I shredded myself. I also was prepared enough to have real pizza sauce. The dough even tasted better! My kids ate it with gusto. I was still slightly unsatisfied...and a little confused on the whole dough process. How long do I kneed it? How much flour is enough when it says to "add at your own discretion? How long do I let it rise if it is rapid rise yeast? And how do I get the dough to be crispier? I decided to borrow a bread machine. Remember those? The biggest kitchen craze in the 90's? I knew I could count on someone having theirs stored in the basement, gathering dust. Admit it. You have one doing just that. So I called my dad. It was in the basement, in the box. After the Atkins craze when they all but gave up bread, it got stored in the basement. He happily brought it up, bragging about what a good machine it was and how he did research to buy the best one (sounds a lot like me). He told me the name brand, "Zojirushi" and sure enough, I did a search on the internet and found my dad had bought the best one out there. He was glad to lend it to me and see it get some use.
I used a simple dough recipe. I wanted to start with something basic. 3 3/4 cups of bread flour, 1 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tsp of rapid rise yeast, 1 1/2 cups of water, 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil. Throw it all into the bread pan and the machine does the rest of the thinking for you. It even warms it up before mixing and kneading. So cool! Rolling it out is a little tougher. You roll it...and it comes back in. You realize why the pizzarias throw their dough in the air and let gravity stretch it out. I tried getting my hands under the dough and it stretched much easier (I'll let you know when I get good enough to throw it in the air :-)
I cooked the dough first for 10 minutes at 400 and then put my toppings on. On the first pizza, I did your traditional pizza sauce, pepperoni and mozzarella. The second, I decided to get a little more creative with a garlic, butter, olive oil mixture, Italian Seasoning and mozzarella. I put them back in the oven for about 15 more minutes. When they came out... we tested them like food critics. It was yummy! They both were! I think I'm finally satisfied. I'm sure I'll be tweaking it here and there, but I think I've even satisfied the most hard to please critics in my house, my kids. Their verdict was easy to read....the two pizzas were eaten up! No left overs! I wish I could show pictures of the pizzas, but I forgot to take some. Next time I will.
My first attempt ended on a sour note. I was prepared enough to have my yeast, but forgot the pizza sauce and used spaghetti sauce instead. I also only had regular flour, and pre-shredded, bagged mozzarella cheese. Never use spaghetti sauce instead of pizza sauce! It did NOT have enough flavor. The cheese was dry and bland and ditto for the dough. The kids ate it, but not enthusiastically. It was too chewy.
My second attempt was much better! I used bread flour and block mozzarella cheese which I shredded myself. I also was prepared enough to have real pizza sauce. The dough even tasted better! My kids ate it with gusto. I was still slightly unsatisfied...and a little confused on the whole dough process. How long do I kneed it? How much flour is enough when it says to "add at your own discretion? How long do I let it rise if it is rapid rise yeast? And how do I get the dough to be crispier? I decided to borrow a bread machine. Remember those? The biggest kitchen craze in the 90's? I knew I could count on someone having theirs stored in the basement, gathering dust. Admit it. You have one doing just that. So I called my dad. It was in the basement, in the box. After the Atkins craze when they all but gave up bread, it got stored in the basement. He happily brought it up, bragging about what a good machine it was and how he did research to buy the best one (sounds a lot like me). He told me the name brand, "Zojirushi" and sure enough, I did a search on the internet and found my dad had bought the best one out there. He was glad to lend it to me and see it get some use.
I used a simple dough recipe. I wanted to start with something basic. 3 3/4 cups of bread flour, 1 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tsp of rapid rise yeast, 1 1/2 cups of water, 1 1/2 tbsp olive oil. Throw it all into the bread pan and the machine does the rest of the thinking for you. It even warms it up before mixing and kneading. So cool! Rolling it out is a little tougher. You roll it...and it comes back in. You realize why the pizzarias throw their dough in the air and let gravity stretch it out. I tried getting my hands under the dough and it stretched much easier (I'll let you know when I get good enough to throw it in the air :-)
I cooked the dough first for 10 minutes at 400 and then put my toppings on. On the first pizza, I did your traditional pizza sauce, pepperoni and mozzarella. The second, I decided to get a little more creative with a garlic, butter, olive oil mixture, Italian Seasoning and mozzarella. I put them back in the oven for about 15 more minutes. When they came out... we tested them like food critics. It was yummy! They both were! I think I'm finally satisfied. I'm sure I'll be tweaking it here and there, but I think I've even satisfied the most hard to please critics in my house, my kids. Their verdict was easy to read....the two pizzas were eaten up! No left overs! I wish I could show pictures of the pizzas, but I forgot to take some. Next time I will.
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