Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 49/365 - Mother Daughter Time with Abby

Date: 2/19/11
Time: 1:02 pm
Place: La Nails at Mid Rivers Mall
Abby asked me this week if we could have some Mother/Daughter time. This is something she asks for occasionally, because I told her to. One day, a while ago, I told her that she is often "lost in the middle" because she is easy to please, never complains and doesn't demand a lot of attention. We went through a period in our life as a family, when Ben and Mary (our younger two) demanded a LOT of attention and took much of it away from Sam and Abby. Sam naturally gets more attention because he is the oldest. He is the first to do everything. So that leaves Abby lost in the middle. I knew that as she got older, she would need me more. I wanted to set the tone, as soon as possible, that I was here for her whenever she needed me and all she had to do was ask for it. Sometimes it's going out for a meal together. Sometimes it's shopping. Today it was a trip to the mall: shopping for swimsuits and bras, eating Subway, and enjoying a pedicure together. I love our time together because it gives us that "girl time" that we both need. I'm so glad we started this tradition!
God, thank you for Abby. She is a treasure to me. And thank you for pedicures!

Day 48/365 - Lunch With Mary

Date: 2/18/11
Time: 11:25
Place: Sts. Joachim and Ann School parking lot
Mary has been asking all week if I would come meet her for lunch. So I met her for lunch and played with her on the playground. We played catch with a playground ball. It was exhilarating to be outside in the sunshine with a little brisk breeze. It's not like I play catch with her at home, because when I am home, I'm busy with the household chores. So it felt good to participate in such a simple activity with her. Can you see the joy on her face? She was beaming the whole time! I feel bad that I don't do it more often because I work right next door to her school. I kinda of get "caught up" at work and I can't seem to focus on anything else. So, I just need to plan it. Ben wants to be next. I don't think Abby or Sam would care for me to come meet them for lunch anymore. It's just a reminder that this time is all too short and I need to live it up while I can. Ben, you are next!
God, help me to set aside more time for lunch dates with my kids.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 47/365 - People

Date: 2/17/11
Time: 9:14 pm
Place: Bedroom
I don't know what it is...but I LOVE People Magazine.
Thank you, God, for a little entertainment for a hard working mom.

Day 46/365 - I Scream For Ice Cream!!

Date: 2/16/11
Time: 8:04 pm
Place: Mid Rivers Mall Drive
Whenever I take Mary to cheer practice, I pass by Silky's. It depresses me for two reasons: 1) It's closed for the season, and 2) Even if it was open, I would be resisting the urge anyway. I'm on a diet. Diet's stink. The good news is that I've lost 10 pounds. My motivation is this trip that Ted and I are going on to Los Angeles. He won it through work for having a good year in sales. It's very exciting! But it opens up this whole "What am I going to wear?" and "Will I look good in it?" So in December I decided to go on a diet. I do this for vain reasons. Vanity is sadly, my usual motivator. Last time I was vain enough to go on a diet was when I went to Australia. Actually, I did lose about 7 pounds last Christmas when my sisters, mom and I competed to lose weight. I gained all that back. I'm good at that...because I love fattening food like frozen custard! I love it all...burgers, fries, desserts, pizza...YUM. Food is my celebration. Food is my social life. Food is my relaxation. Food fights my boredom. Food makes me happy. I know I only need it to keep me alive, but it does so much more for me. So it's not fun to diet. But I do like results. Hopefully, I can keep going. I usually lose my motivation after 10 pounds. I don't want to this time. I dread the day Silky's reopens. Ted will have to chain me to the house!
God, help me to stay strong and stay away from icecream!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 45/365 - Cookies & Creme Poptarts

Date: 2/15/11
Time: 8:35 pm
Place: Schnucks
Tonight I had to make a mad dash to Schnucks because we were out of my kids' favorite poptarts, Cookies & Creme...and lo and behold what do I see? They are on a "Close-Out $pecial"!!! Yes, I was excited about the discount prices and grabbed FOUR boxes...but Close Out??? Are they not carrying Cookies & Creme Poptarts anymore? Becky said Target was all out and that's why I went to Schnucks. Did THEY have a close out, too?? I looked it up on the internet and didn't find anything. My kids may have to find a new addiction.
Lord, I know there are greater problems in the world for you to solve, but you don't have to deal with the wrath of Ben. Please influence the Schnuck's people to continue to stock our favorite Poptarts. Amen.

Day 44/365 - Valentine's Day

Date: 2/14/11
Time: 4:06 pm
Place: Kitchen Counter
Ben brought this home from school today. It's his envelope that he made to hold his valentines. I asked him if those were flames above the heart and he said yes. I asked him why he put flames on his heart. He told me he saw them on the priest's vestments. I think it is cute that he drew the Sacred Heart of Jesus on his Valentine's envelope...even if he doesn't understand the full meaning of the Sacred Heart.
Lord, teach him your ways...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 43/365 - Preparing for Valentines Day

Date: 2/13/11
Time: 10:06 pm
Place: Kitchen
The Ben and Mary signed their valentines tonight. Sam and Abby are too old to exchange valentines in their classes. There are so many more options now. It used to be that you just bought a box of valentines and your chose was about what character you wanted. Now you have to choose what candy you want! Because it's more than a valentine now, the valentine IS candy. Ben wanted to sign his in cursive since he learned cursive this year.
Lord, thank you for all the valentines in my life!

Day 42/365 - Dad

Date: 2/12/11
Time: 2:53 pm
Place: My parent's house
My parents are getting their basement finished. My brother-in-law is doing the work, but we all decided to help with the painting. Today, me and my sisters came over to paint the basement walls. I took this picture when we were done and getting ready to leave. My dad and I share many of the same traits and hobbies. He gave me my spirit, positive attitude, love of the outdoors, love of camping and time with family, and my love of reading. He will often tell me about his latest inspiration in faith or about a great book he has read. I love sharing my faith with him. He's taught me how to walk the walk with God leading the way.
God, I know you love me a LOT, because you gave me an awesome father! Thank you.

Day 41/365 - St. Louis Science Center

Date: 2/11/11
Time: 12:12 pm
Place: St. Louis Science Center
Today, the kids got an unexpected day off school because of a sewer back up. Like we needed another day off school! I knew I didn't want to sit around the house. I decided we should go to the St. Louis Science Center. What a great day it was. It's not often that we can get time with just us. Here's a shot of the kids gleaming with pride after they worked together to build the Arch!
God, thank you for unexpected time with my kids.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 40/365 - Car Wash

Date: 2/10/11
Time: 4:58 pm
Place: Car Wash Bay
After all the snow, ice and salt, my car need a bath! Today after work, I filled it up and got a car wash. I love the smell of the soaps in a car wash. And one of my favorite parts is when this tri-colored soap gets squirted all over the car...pinks, blues and greens. It's like confetti. And it cleans off all the dirt that's encrusted on my car.
God, you break down the crusty, you wash away the dirt. But it comes back...and then you do it again, with your tri-colored confetti...

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Day 39/365 - My Mother

Date: 2/9/11
Time: 12:59 pm
Place: Bread Company Parking Lot
Today my mom and I shared a lunch at the Bread Company. I treasure our times out together! A little known fact about me is that I've enjoyed writing poetry from time to time. It's been a while since I've written a poem, but inspired by this picture of the day, I wrote this one for my mom:
Through the years, it's plain to see
Just how your role has changed with me.
When I was born, each need you met,
You changed me, fed me, and put me to bed,
And when I got a little older,
I talked, I climbed, my steps got bolder.
You cleaned me up and kissed my hurts
You loved me through all growth spurts.
You taught me to pray and ask God for help,
It wouldn't work to do it myself.
And when a friendship broke apart,
You listened with a servant's heart.
But when I got much older still,
You found I had a stronger will.
I wouldn't listen as I should,
I fought the rules on which you stood.
But now you see those years are past.
You've built me something that will last.
With you and Dad so bonded together,
You taught me a marriage should last forever.
And when it was time to become a mom,
I had your example to copy from.
You gave me the gene to sing and write,
To cook a good meal, eat ice cream at night.
But the best thing you taught me from the start,
Was to cling to God with all my heart.
My faith in God is my guiding force,
He keeps me close to stay on course.
So if you'd ask me my greatest gift,
And why I live the way I live?
God's gift to me was like no other,
When He chose YOU to be my mother.
God, thank you for my mom. I know I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for her.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Day 38/365 - My Place of Refuge

Date: 2/8/11
Time: 9:51 pm
Place: My bedroom
This is where I like to hang out at the end of the night. I'm sitting on our couch where we watch a couple of TV shows before going to bed. Sometimes I like to sit up in bed and read or journal. My room is my escape. The rest of the house belongs to everyone else. My room is the one place that is mine. It's my place of rest, my place of prayer, my place of entertainment, my place to talk to Ted in peace.
Lord, I thank you for my place of bedroom.

Day 37/365 - Naumann Plaque

Date: 2/7/11
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Fireplace Mantel
Some people are really good at Christmas presents! I really like this gift!
God, thank you for this beautiful plaque!

Day 36/365 - Superbowl Sunday!

Date: 2/6/11
Time: 7:11 pm
Place: Our Family Room
Tonight we had some of our Men's and Women's Group friends and their families over for a Super Bowl party. It's a tradition that the the men schedule their Men's Group retreat the weekend of Super Bowl, they come home early Sunday morning, spend the day with their families and then come over to our house for the Super Bowl. There were about 12 adults and 16 kids. The kids went off and played while we watch the game and the commercials. It was a great time! They all brought a dish and drinks, which made it easy on us.
Lord, thank you for our Men's and Women's Group friends!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Day 35/365 - Did You Remember Shrimp?

Date: 2/5/11
Time: 3:38 pm
Place: Schnucks
Every time I leave Schnucks, I'm faced with this sign on the door that says, "STOP DID YOU REMEMBER SHRIMP?" This sign is really starting to bother me. Why does Schnucks care so much about shrimp? Why are they worried I might forget it? Is shrimp all that important that the world will stop if I forget it? Is Schnucks going to go under if they don't sell more shrimp? Did the shrimp people work out a deal with Schnucks in order to get this prominent signage? I don't know. I'll never know.
God, when I die and ask all of those unanswerable questions, can you answer this one also? Why does Schnucks not want me to forget the shrimp?

Day 34/365 - Parent Appreciation Mass

Date: 2/4/11
Time: 8:03 am
Place: Sts. Joachim and Ann Church
Everyone likes Parent Appreciation Day. Well, it was snowed out, so they rescheduled it for today. The cool thing about Parent Appreciation Day is that your kids can sit by you at the all school mass. For them this is so cool! So when I whipped out my camera before mass started, Ben said, "Can you have a camera in mass?", because he was in school mode. I told him I need my picture of the day and he immediately understood, but you could tell they felt we were breaking some major school laws! Abby was serving mass and Sam was sitting with the fourth graders. It's tradition that the last day of Catholic Schools Week the Eighth Graders take over the school and teach in each classroom.
Lord, thank for the chance to sit by two of my kids during the all school mass. It was so worth seeing the delight in their eyes.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Day 33/365 - CHRP Meeting

Date: 2/3/11
Time: 9:46 pm
Place: My Family Room
I hosted my CRHP group tonight at my house. Well not all of them. Some couldn't make it. Pictured are JoBeth, Mary Pat, Mary and Karen (mass buddy). We each take turns hosting and tonight was my night. I didn't have the best day today. I had someone put in their notice at work today and it's my job to hire people. I still have two other open positions to fill. I don't know if I'll ever catch up. I came home and had to cook dinner before preparing my house for this meeting. But the beauty of it all is, I knew just being around these women would cheer me up. We've been meeting for almost 5 years now. I love these ladies. In no time, I forgot about my bad day and enjoyed an amaretto sour and great conversation. We conclude every meeting with good news and intentions. I was able to tell them about my bad day and offer it up in prayer. That's what sisters are for.
Thank you, God, for my CRHP sisters. You've really blessed me by letting them be a part of my life.

Day 32/365 - Sledding With the Kids

Date: 2/2/11
Time: 5:15 pm
Place: The hills near Cottleville City Hall
I did something today that I haven't done in a long time...I went sledding with the kids. I had a blast. I took video, I took pictures, I sledded with Mary, I sledded by myself, and I zoomed down the hill on Sam's snowboard. I. had. a. blast. Wow. What a thrill. I felt like a kid again.
God, thank you for an awesome afternoon of sled riding with my kids. I'll treasure this day forever!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Day 31/365 - Snow Storm? Hardly!

Date: 2/1/11
Time: 4:18 pm
Place: Breakfast Room
Well, the big storm never came, but we had fun anyway. There was enough snow that the kids still managed to do a little sledding. But after the outdoor fun, my sister dug out her craft supply and the kids colored, painted, stamped pictures and when they were done with that they made puppets out of my brown lunch bags. We had four neighbor kids, four of my own, two of my sisters and two friends all having fun in my house. They had so much fun, I invited Abby's friends to spend another night. They eagerly accepted. I feel so blessed to have friends and family to enjoy my day with. I fed 13 people last night and then again tonight...and now, it's my turn to rest. I'm hunkered up in my room, playing on my laptop. I have to laugh that Ted said he felt guilty hanging out in our room while the kids fended for themselves. I laughed so hard! I've been with the kids all day and he feels guilty? Maybe HIM, NOT ME! LOL. Ted is now putting the younger kids down while I watch Cake Boss.
Lord, I can't thank you enough for this fun day. I'm especially blessed to have four awesome kids right across the street that are always ready to play with my kids. You really blessed me there, God. Thank you, thank you.

Day 30/365 - Ice Storm

Date: 1/31/11
Time: 2:35 pm
Place: My Family Room
The media was all over the big storm they predicted would come our way. It would start with a nasty ice storm and follow with 10-20 inches of snow. We left for school this morning only to have them call it off at 11:00am. I had gone to work on my day off, knowing what was coming, so I could get whatever I needed to work from home. I picked up my kids from school and offered to take our carpool friend, Erin, home with us. Confident we would be off school the next day and maybe even next two, I offered to have Erin spend the night. Abby said, "Can Alicia come, too?". So we picked up the girls' overnight bags and snow gear and headed back home. The neighbor kids came over and they all immediately started watching some of our classic home videos. So here's a picture of 9 kids watching the videos. This was not all the kids in my house. The boys were in the other room (except for Joey, of course). The girls all slept up in Abby's room and Mary slept in Ben's room. We were all excited when we confirmed the kids had a snow day the next day.
Lord, thank you for friends and neighbors who make our snow days fun!