So now I am typing on my new laptop and my figures are slipping across the keys. What? No sticky peanut butter? Where's the letter that was jammed? I can see the screen so clearly...where did all the fingerprints go? Never fear...I'm sure this one will start displaying the same characteristics as the old one did...but not if I can help it.
Good bye, PTO!--Today I wrapped up some of the last minute duties of my PTO position. I went up to school to take Sam to get his lower braces installed (well...what other word should I use??), and while I was there, I discussed the calendar dates for next year with the principal, returned the 5th grade teachers jump drive, received the essays from the essay contest for $500 worth of help on one lucky 7th grader's tuition for next year, sat through Sam's appointment, returned him to school fulled braced, and drove to Barnes and Noble to drop off the artwork that will be displayed at our Book Fair this weekend. Whew!!
Tomorrow night is my last Board meeting, where I hand everything over, and I feel myself slightly sentimental about it. I was packing up a bag to give to the new President and felt a little sad to let it go. I won't miss the stress...but will I miss that feeling of being totally connected? Will I feel out of the loop? I'm sure other things will take it's place and I won't, but they were still feelings that were there. I'm in a different place then when I first took it on. The past two years have given me an idea of where I want to go and how I want to help in the future. I wouldn't trade it for anything...but at the same time, I wouldn't want to do it all over again.
Father Daughter Dance--We just had the most awesome Father Daughter dance! It was our best of event of the year! We had no idea how popular it would be! We had 100 daughters and with their dads, brought us to the total of 180 people at this event. The girls had a BLAST singing along to their favorite songs, dancing slow and fast with dad, getting their professional picture taken and eating and drinking to their hearts contents. It was a complete success! I think I want to do set up and clean up next year just so I can be there again.
Jazzercise--With the onset of spring, and the busyness of Abby in soccer AND softball, Sam learning golf and doing regional band, there has been little time for Jazzercise. I'm ashamed to say I've only managed a once a week attendance the past 2 weeks. I already have a plan for summer though. The kids go to swim practice at 9:30am. That's enough time for me to do the one hour workout at 8:15am (if I leave a little early).
Volunteer Coordinator for Swim Team--I think I am a volunteeraholic now! I had no idea how much fun volunteering can be! I swear you get more out of it than you give! We had our swim team sign up and I've been busy e-mailing last years' team with info, making forms on the computer, plugging people into spreadsheets and tracking their availabilities so I can schedule them for the meets. I love this stuff! The meets are a little bit of a juggle because they are the same nights as our Men's and Women's Group meetings. ARgghh! So we have to get a babysitter for every one and I might miss a couple of Women's Groups until I hit a groove in this job and Ted can help out when I'm not there. So far, it's easy, fun and stress-free! Because I'm doing this, I won't have to work a job at the meet. My busy times will be before the meet and in between the first half and second half when the new volunteers take over. I'll be able to watch the kids swim! I tell you , it's the way to go!
Abby and Soccer--Abby has been quite the little soccer player lately. She's very good at sticking with people as a defender, but recently, the coach has let her run up to offense when she gets a chance and has been scoring goals now! I'm really enjoying watching her games.
Toontown--Now Mary is hooked on Toontown along with Ben! This is not fun! My computers on the main level are totally taken. However, now that I have a new laptop...Mary is on the quirky one, I'm on the new one and we are all happy. Don't we sound disfunctional?? Hahaha. Well, I'm not happy they are playing on the computer so much, but it's hard to take them off when it makes them so happy. And it's hard to get them out of the house for anything like the zoo, or a visit with friends, when our days are interrupted with taking Ben to school at 12:15pm. This summer, I hope to get them out of the house more. This should help our computer problem. Actually, they have also been really into legos that is a good break from the computers.
Camping Plans--We've set up three camping trips for the summer: Meramec State Park over Memorial Weekend, Eminence over the Fourth of July, and Illinois State Park on Lake Michigan towards the end of July. I remember when we used to do 6-7 trips from Spring through the Fall. Now as the kids get older, our calendar gets busier and it's just too much work to be gone for short trips. I like the longer ones better.
I guess that's enough for you to chew on for now. Have a good one!